14:05, 11 February 2004 . . Alex756 (Talk) . . 1200x1800 (98915 bytes) (Desmond Tutu, provided by personal assistant 1200 px X 1800 px, stated in public domain)
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Benny Gool, a mű szerzője művét közkinccsé nyilvánította. Ez a világ minden részén érvényes. Egyes országokban ez jogilag nem lehetséges. Ha így van, akkor: Benny Gool jogot ad bárkinek, hogy bármilyen célból, feltétel nélkül használhassa ezt a fájlt, kivéve a törvény által kötelezően előírt feltételeket.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Desmond Tutu, provided by personal assistant Lavinia Browne; 1200 px X 1800 px, stated in public domain
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Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:33:11 +0200
From: Lavinia Browne <mpilo@iafrica.com>
Subject: Picture
To: alex756@nyc.rr.com
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Dear Mr Roshuk
I am soing some office "housekeeping" and have come across your =
unanswered request. My sincere apologies for overlooking it.
I attach a photo which you are free to use. I hope it is not too late. =
The photographer is Benny Gool and I expect he would appreciate being =
recognised but there is no copyright on the pic.
Yours sincerely
Lavinia Browne
Personal Assistant
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