English: Predicted distribution for Bassaricyon alleni based on bioclimatic models. To create these binary maps we used the average minimum training presence for 10 test models as our cutoff. In addition, we excluded areas of high probability that were outside of the known range of the species if they were separated by unsuitable habitat. Helgen K, Pinto C, Kays R, Helgen L, Tsuchiya M, Quinn A, Wilson D, Maldonado J (2013). "Taxonomic revision of the olingos (Bassaricyon), with description of a new species, the Olinguito". ZooKeys 324: 1--83. Pensoft Publishers. DOI:10.3897/zookeys.324.5827. Retrieved on 2013-08-15.
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feldolgozhatod – származékos műveket hozhatsz létre
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Nevezd meg! – A szerzőt megfelelően fel kell tüntetned, hivatkozást kell létrehoznod a licencre és jelezned kell, ha a művön változtatást hajtottál végre. Ezt bármilyen észszerű módon megteheted, kivéve oly módon, ami azt sugallná hogy a jogosult támogat téged vagy a felhasználásod körülményeit.
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{{Information |description ={{en|1=Predicted distribution for Bassaricyon alleni based on bioclimatic models. To create these binary maps we used the average minimum training presence for 10 test models as our cutoff. In addition, we excluded areas of high probability that were outside of the known range of the species if they were separated by unsuitable habitat. Helgen K, Pinto C, Kays R, Helgen L, Tsuchiya M, Quinn A, Wilson D, Maldonado J (2013). "Taxonomic revision of the olingos (Bass...
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