Geology and Cross Section by Peter J. Coney / Revised; 1985. Artwork by Dick Beasley. Published by Zion Natural History Association, in Springdale. Original image is a scan of a separate map (41cm ×62cm, scale 1:435,000).
Depicts the Grand Canyon National Park, Cedar Breaks National Monument, Zion National Park
File modified from its original form. shows what showed back in 2006:
Cropped to remove detailed depictions of Bryce Canyon [and] Cedar Breaks Area, Zion Canyon Area, and Grand Canyon strata. Also cropped to remove quote:
In this region the forces of erosion have laid bare over one billion fie undred million years of the Earth's history. The oldest rocks, those of the Archeozoic, Proterozoic and Paleozoic Eras are found in the walls of the Grand Canyon, where tracks of early amphibians and reptiles, primitive fish, trilobites, brachiopods and many other fossils have been discovered.
The sheer walls, temples and towers of Zion Canyon are carved from rock layers of the Mesozoic Era. Other exposures of rocks of this era are along the Grey, White and Vermilion Cliffs. In these areas, the rocks contain bones and tracks of now-extinct dinosaurs as well as other reptiles, amphibians, ancient mammals and petrified wood.
Younger rocks of the Cenozoic Era form the pinnacles of Cedar Breaks and Bryce Canyons. Presumably these layers as well as those of Mesozoic Age at Zion once extended over the Grand Canyon Region. However, the relentless wearing of the waters has since stripped these layers back to the north to for the celebrated "Great Rock Stairway" of the Vermilion, White, Gray and Pink Cliffs.
Other modifications include:
Original title "Geologic Cross Section of the Cedar Breaks–Zion–Grand Canyon Region" blanked out and changed to "The Grand Staircase"
In left & right margins, words "North" and "South" blanked out and both changed to "Elevation (feet)"
Large red dots added near cliffs labels
"Chocolate Cliffs" label added
Image labels
(given in stratigraphic order)
Brian Head [gray]
Wasatch [light red, limestone]
Kaiparowitz [lavender, sandstone]
Straight Cliffs – Wahweap [gray, sandy siltstone]
Coal [black]
Tropic [gray, shale]
Dakota [orange, sandstone]
Carmel [lavender, sedimentary]
Temple Cap [reddish white, crossbedding]
Navajo [blended light red, crossbedding]
Kayenta [lavender silty, sandstone]
Moenave [dark orange, sandstone]
Chinle [yellow, shale]
Shinarump Member [tan, conglomerate]
Moenkopi [dark red, shale]
Kaibab [tan, limestone]
Toroweap [dark brown, limestone]
Coconino [light tan, crossbedding]
Hermit [light red, shale]
Supai [light red, siltstone]
Redwall [lavender, limestone]
Temple Butte [purple, limestone]
Muav [tan, limestone]
Bright Angel [tan orange, shale]
Tapeats [light brown, sandstone]
Dox [red orange, sandstone]
Shinumo [orange tan, sandstone]
Hakatai [deep red, shale]
Diabase [light gray, intrusive igneous]
Bass [white, limestone]
[Vishnu Group depicted (tan, foliated metamorphic)]
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