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العربية: صُورة جويَّة لِلنبع المنشوري الكبير وهو إحدى العُيُون الحمئة الواقعة في مُنتزه يلوستون الوطني. يصلُ حجم هذا النبع إلى حوالي 250 × 300 قدم (75 × 91 م). تُظهرُ هذه الصُورة تصاعُد البُخار من وسط المياه الزرقاء اللازورديَّة العميقة والحارَّة، التي لا تأوي أي شكلٍ من أشكال الحياة، وعلى الجوانب تظهر حصيرة من الطحالب والبكتيريا والعتائق البُرتُقاليَّة اللامعة.
English: Aerial view of Grand Prismatic Spring; Hot Springs, Midway & Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park. The spring is approximately 250 by 300 feet (75 by 91 m) in size. This photo shows steam rising from hot and sterile deep azure blue water (owing to the light absorbing overtone of an OH stretch which is shifted to 698 nm by hydrogen bonding [1]) in the center surrounded by huge mats of brilliant orange algae, bacteria and archaea. The color of which is due to the ratio of chlorophyll to carotenoid molecules produced by the organisms. During summertime the chlorophyll content of the organisms is low and thus the mats appear orange, red, or yellow. However during the winter, the mats are usually dark green, because sunlight is more scarce and the microbes produce more chlorophyll to compensate, thereby masking the carotenoid colors.
Español: Imagen aérea del Grand Prismatic Spring; aguas termales y geiser Midway (medio) y Lower (bajo), en el Parque Nacional Yellowstone, Wyoming.
Français : Image aérienne du Grand Prismatic Spring situé dans le Parc national de Yellowstone aux États-unis.
Русский: Вид с воздуха на Большой призматический источник. Примерный размер — 75м × 91м. На фото видно поднимающийся пар и ярко голубую воду в источнике.

transferred from the English Wikipedia, original upload 1 April 2004 by ChrisO
Szerző Jim Peaco, National Park Service
Más változatok File:Grand prismatic spring edit.jpg


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Public domain This image or media file contains material based on a work of a National Park Service employee, created as part of that person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, such work is in the public domain in the United States. See the NPS website and NPS copyright policy for more information.


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aktuális2005. szeptember 16., 10:08Bélyegkép a 2005. szeptember 16., 10:08-kori változatról1 999 × 1 277 (501 KB)Saperaud~commonswikiAerial view of Grand Prismatic Spring; Hot Springs, Midway & Lower Geyser Basin; Jim Peaco; July 2001 Yellowstone National Park Image by NPS Photo The Grand Prismatic Spring of Yellowstone National Park showing steam rising from hot and ste

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