Independence_aircraft.png (571 × 413 képpont, fájlméret: 201 KB, MIME-típus: image/png)


Leírás Photograph of President Harry S. Truman's airplane, a Douglas VC-118 (s/n 46-505) called "The Independence" on Wake Island on 15 October 1950. Truman went to Wake for a conference with General Douglas MacArthur whose plane is visible in the background.
In 1947 USAAF officials ordered the 29th production DC-6 to be modified as a replacement for the aging Douglas VC-54C Skymaster "Sacred Cow" presidential aircraft. It differed from the standard DC-6 configuration in that the aft fuselage was converted into a stateroom. Also, the main cabin seated 24 passengers or could be made up into 12 "sleeper" berths. The VC-118 was formally commissioned by the USAAF on 4 July 1947, and was nicknamed "Independence" for Truman’s hometown in Missouri (USA). The aircraft is today in display at the National Museum of the USAF.
Forrás Truman Library photograph 72-814
Szerző U.S. Department of State


Public domain
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15. október 1950


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