Jens_Munk.png (110 × 200 képpont, fájlméret: 50 KB, MIME-típus: image/png)


unidentified 17th-century woodcutter
English: Danish explorer Jens Munk, detail from a woodcut from his voyage account (Navigatio Septentrionalis, 1624) showing an encounter between Munk's expedition members and Inuit people on the northern shore of Hudson Strait. There is little doubt that the character depicted at center front of the group of European men who are being greeted by the natives is intended to be a representation of Munk (of whom there is no other known portrait from his lifetime). Below is Munk's account of the meeting.

On the 18th of July [1619], whilst lying hidden with the ship and the sloop behind an islet, we observed that there were people on the southern side of the harbour; wherefore, I at once had my boat manned, and went myself thither in it. When the natives who were there saw that I was coming on shore to them, they remained standing, having laid down behind some stones their arms and what other implements they had by them. When, now, I approached them, they returned whatever salutation I offered them in the same manner; but they were careful to keep between me and the place where their arms were laid. I also observed this place carefully, and, going there, took up their arms and implements in my hand and examined them; upon which, they at once made me understand that they would rather lose all their garments, and go naked than lose their arms and implements; and they pointed to their mouths, thereby signifying that it was by means of their arms and implements that they obtained their food. When I again laid down their arms and implements, they clapped their hands, looked up to heaven, and showed themselves very merry and joyful. Thereupon, I presented them with knives and all sorts of iron goods. Amongst other things, I gave one of them a looking glass, but he did not know what it was; wherefore, I took it from him and held it before his face, so that he could see himself. When he did so, he quickly took the looking glass from me and put it into his bosom. After this, they, in like manner, gave me presents of what they had: viz. different kinds of birds and seal-flesh. One of my men, who had very swarthy complexion, and black hair, they all embraced, no doubt thinking that he was one of their nation and countrymen. The appearance of this people, as well as of their arms and implements, is represented on the accompanying plate.

— Jens Munk, in: szerk. Gosch, Christian Carl August (angol nyelven) (1897) Danish Arctic Expeditions, 1605 to 1620. Book II The Expedition of Captain Jens Munk, London: Hakluyt Society, 13−14 o.
Ábrázolt személyek
Jens Munk  (1579–1628) wikidata:Q924500
Jens Munk
Leírás felfedező, tengerésztiszt, tengeri utazó és utazó
Születési és halálozási dátum 1579. június 3. Szerkesztés a Wikidatán 1628. június 28. Szerkesztés a Wikidatán
Születés és halálozás helye Arendal Szerkesztés a Wikidatán Koppenhága Szerkesztés a Wikidatán
Nemzetközi katalógus
creator QS:P170,Q924500
Dátum 1624
date QS:P571,+1624-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Technika fametszet
Méretei magasság: 1,7 cm; szélesség: 0,9 cm
dimensions QS:P2048,1.7U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,0.9U174728
Forráshivatkozás szerk. Gosch, Christian Carl August (1897) Danish Arctic Expeditions, 1605 to 1620. Book II The Expedition of Captain Jens Munk, London: Hakluyt Society
image extraction process
Ez a fájl kivágás egy másik képből
: Jens Munk voyage account (Navigatio Septentrionalis, 1624) - 2 fig 1 - Rinsund in Hudson Strait.png
original file
(Fájl újrafelhasználása)
Public domain

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Danish explorer Jens Munk

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aktuális2021. április 13., 09:54Bélyegkép a 2021. április 13., 09:54-kori változatról110 × 200 (50 KB)Wikipetzi{{Artwork |artist = unidentified 17th-century woodcutter |depicted people = {{Creator|Wikidata=Q924500|option=collapse}} |description = {{en|Danish explorer Jens Munk, detail from a woodcut from his voyage account (''Navigatio Septentrionalis'', 1624) showing an encounter between Munk's expedition members and Inuit people on the northern shore...

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