LeírásLitography negative stone and positive paper.jpg
English: Two pictures showing the negative lithography stone and the resulting positive print, with an old map of Munich. This is the origin map, with the north tower of the Frauenkirche in the lower corner. All other maps of this series are referenced to this corner. The map also shows the Hofgarten and the Englischer Garten. Due to the nature of the printing process, the negative shows everything in reverse.
Picture taken as part of the Lange Nacht der Museen in Munich
This image was created by Chris 73. The image is licensed under a dual license; please choose either of the two licenses below as desired. Attribution to Wikipedia or another project of the Wikimedia foundation is required for both licenses if the image is used outside of projects of the Wikimedia foundation. Attribution to me is not required.
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Two pictures showing the negative litography stone and the resulting positive print, with an old map of Munich. This is the ''origin'' map, with the north tower of the Frauenkirche in the lower corner. All other maps of this series are referenced to this
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