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English: Malaria is caused by a parasite (Plasmodium) transmitted to people and animals by mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. The sporozoite life-stage of the parasite develops inside oocysts and are released in large numbers into the hemocoel of mosquitoes. This false-colored electron micrograph shows a sporozoite of Plasmodium bergei migrating through the cytoplasm of midgut epithelia of an Anopheles stephensi mosquito.
Français : Sporozoite de Plasmodium bergei, l'agent du paludsime des rongeurs (malaria).
العربية: صورة مجهريةٌ إلكترونيةٌ ذات لونٍ زائف للطور البَوْغِيّ من المتصورة
Dátum June 28, 2005
Forrás PLoS Biology Issue Image, Vol. 3(6) (link)
Szerző Image by Ute Frevert; false color by Margaret Shear.


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aktuális2023. május 19., 22:50Bélyegkép a 2023. május 19., 22:50-kori változatról650 × 650 (260 KB)壹陆Better original source, converted to jpg as there is no visual fidelity loss
2005. július 10., 22:12Bélyegkép a 2005. július 10., 22:12-kori változatról366 × 400 (48 KB)ComputerHotlineLe virus de la malaria

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