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Leírás A Italian soldier, leads a Ariete tank towards the firing range, during the Strong Europe Tank Challenge (SETC), at the 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command’s Grafenwoehr Training Area, Grafenwoehr, Germany, May 12, 2016. The SETC is co-hosted by U.S. Army Europe and the German Bundeswehr, May 10-13, 2016. The competition is designed to foster military partnership while promoting NATO interoperability. Seven platoons from six NATO nations are competing in SETC - the first multinational tank challenge at Grafenwoehr in 25 years. For more photos, videos and stories from the Strong Europe Tank Challenge, go to (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Nathanael Mercado/Released)
Forrás SETC_Italy
Szerző 7th Army Training Command from Grafenwoehr, Germany


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2016. október 24.


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aktuális2016. október 24., 21:43Bélyegkép a 2016. október 24., 21:43-kori változatról5 438 × 3 630 (1,16 MB)XXNTransferred from Flickr via Flickr2Commons

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