English: Quarterly gules and sable, in the first quarter an elephant statant, on the back a castle triple towered, or, in the second and third quarters representations of the two isotopes of lithium, that in the second quarter having six and that in the third seven protons and neutrons in its nucleus, with three electrons in orbit, argent, in the fourth quarter a bear and ragged staff argent, muzzled gules, collared and chained or; on a chief argent a representation of a DNA double helix, spirals azure lined gules, with connecting lines or.
2020. május 30.
English: The coat of arms of the University of Warwick.
The composition of coats of arms are generally public domain with respect to copyright laws, and may be reproduced freely.
This corresponds to the international traditional usage, and is explicitly stated in some national copyright laws. Some compositions, of more recent origin, may be copyrighted.
This is not a valid license as such, being a "public domain" statement for the coat of arms definition only. It must be completed with the copyright tag associated to the picture creation.
Please note that this applies only to the coat of arms definition (composition / description). The representation of a coat of arms is an artistic creation, subject as such to copyright laws.
Restriction of use - Legal notice: Most of the time, the usage of coats of arms is governed by legal restrictions, independent of the status of the depiction shown here. A coat of arms represents its owner. Though it can be freely represented, it cannot be appropriated, or used in such a way as to create a confusion with or a prejudice to its owner.
Usage on Commons: Please provide licence information for the coat of arm representation, information for the author of the picture, and the source if not self-made work.
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