Nature: Cold and dry in the second degree.
Optimum: That which has been thoroughly ripened.
Usefulness: It breaks down the concentration of humors.
Dangers: Bad for those suffering from colic or melancholia.
Neutralization of the Dangers: With plenty of wheat.
From the Theatrum of Casanatense
Français : Seigle (Siligio)
Nature: froid et sec au second degré.
Optimum: Celui qui a complètement mûri.
Usage: Il diminue la concentration des humeurs.
Dangers: Mauvais pour ceux qui souffrent de coliques ou de la mélancolie.
Neutralisation des dangers: Avec beaucoup de blé.
14. évszázad
date QS:P,+1350-00-00T00:00:00Z/7
book scan
unknown master
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{{Information |Description={{en|1=Rye (Siligio) Nature: Cold and dry in the second degree. Optimum: That which has been thoroughly ripened. Usefulness: It breaks down the concentration of humors. Dangers: Bad for those suffering from colic or melancholia.
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