Note: This historical image is not a factually accurate dinosaur restoration.
Reason: Neither species lived in same place or time. Ornitholestes should be covered in primitive feathers.
You may ask further questions about the accuracy of this image at the image review page of WikiProject Dinosaurs on the English Wikipedia. Note that this image may be appropriate to illustrate obsolete paleontological views.
LeírásThe American Museum journal (c1900-(1918)) (17537482124).jpg
Text Appearing Before Image: Allosaurus feeding on the remains of an amphibious dinosaur.— Restoration of a carnivorous dinosaur from Wyoming representative of the Age of Reptiles. The artist has shown the ferocious reptilian head, with huge mouth bristling with sabre-like teeth, the large birdlike hind limbs, the tail used in balancing and the sharp talons of the feet. Although this conception of the animal has l)een elaborated from detailed anatomical studies, the finished picture has no suggestion of the laboratory but instead the animal seems alive and in a natural habitat Text Appearing After Image: Property of the Museum Ornitholestes — Restoration of a small carnivorous dinosaur of the Age of Reptiles, from Wyom- ing. This dinosaur is a biped like Allosaxirus but its proportions are light and graceful as compared with the larger members of the group
Note About Images
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Ez a fájl közkincsnek minősül az Amerikai Egyesült Államokban. Ez az olyan USA-ban készült művekre vonatkozik, amelyeknek lejárt a védelmi idejük, általában azért, mert 1930. január 1. előtt publikálták. Lásd ezt a lapot a további magyarázathoz.
United States
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{subst:chc}} {{information |description={{en|1=<br> '''Title''': The American Museum journal<br> '''Identifier''': americanmuseumjo14amer ([
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