IUPAC-név Poli(1,1-difluoretilén) [1]
Más nevek Polivinilidén-difluorid, poli(vinilén-fluorid); Kynar; Hylar; Solef; Sygef; poli(1,1-difluoretán)
Kémiai azonosítók
CAS-szám 24937-79-9
PubChem 6369
ChemSpider -
MeSH polyvinylidene+fluoride
ChEBI 53250
Kémiai és fizikai tulajdonságok
Kémiai képlet (C2H2F2)n
Megjelenés Whitish or translucent solid
Olvadáspont 177 °C
Oldhatóság (vízben) Insoluble
Dipólusmomentum 2.1 D[2]
Ha másként nem jelöljük, az adatok az anyag standardállapotára (100 kPa) és 25 °C-os hőmérsékletre vonatkoznak.

A polivinilidén-fluorid, más néven polivinilidén-difluorid hőre lágyuló, enyhén reakcióképes fluortartalmú polimer. 1,1-Difluoretén polimerizációjával állítható elő. Képlete (C2H2F2)n.

Speciális műanyag, melyet nagy tisztaságot, oldószereknek, savaknak és szénhidrogéneknek való ellenállás szükségessége esetén használnak. Sűrűsége alacsony (1,78 g/cm3) más fluorpolimerekhez, például a PTFE-hez képest.

Csővezetékekben, lapkákban, filmekben és szigetelőként is elérhető magas minőségű vezetékekhez. Injektálható, alakítható vagy hegeszthető, és gyakran használják a vegy-, a félvezető-, az orvosi és a védelmi iparban, valamint lítiumion-akkumulátorokban. Keresztkötött zártcella-habként is kapható, ezt egyre gyakrabban használják a repülésben és a légtérben, valamint egzotikus 3D-nyomtató-szálként. Használható ételekkel érintkezésben is, mivel megfelel az FDA előírásainak, és bomlási hőmérséklete alatt nem mérgező.[3]

Finom porként magas minőségű fémfestékek összetevője. Ezek a festékek jól tartják fényességüket és színüket. Sok épületen használják, például a malajziai Petronas-tornyokon és a tajvani Taipei 101-en, valamint kereskedelmi és lakóépületek fémtetőin.

Használják ezenkívül western blotokban is fehérjék rögzítésére nem specifikus aminosav-affinitása miatt, valamint szuperkondenzátorok szénelektródjának kötőanyagaként és más elektrokémiai alkalmazásokban is.

A PVDF-ot több márkanéven árulják, ilyenek például a KF (Kureha), a Hylar (Solvay), a Kynar (Arkema) és a Solef (Solvay).



1969-ben erős piezoelektromosságot figyeltek meg a PVDF-ben, az dipólusmomentum-indukcióhoz erős elektromos mező alá helyezett vékony filmek esetén ez 6–7   volt, 10-szer nagyobb bármely más polimerénél.[4]

Üvegesedési hőmérséklete ( ) −35 °C, de általában 50–60%-ban kristályos. Piezolektromosságához mechanikusan megnyújtják a molekulaláncok elrendezéséhez, majd polarizálják. A PVDF több formában létezhet, ezek az α- (TGTG’), a β- (TTTT) és a γ-fázis (TTTGTTTG’), melyek a lánckonformációtól függnek. A polarizált PVDF ferroelektromos polimer, erős piezo- és piroelektromossággal.[5] Ezek hasznossá teszik szenzorokban és akkumulátorokban. Vékony PVDF-filmeket használnak egyes újabb hőkamerák szenzoraiban.

Más gyakori piezoelektromos anyagoktól, például az ólom-cirkonát-titanáttól (PZT) eltérően a PVDF d33-értéke negatív. Ez azt jelenti, hogy azonos elektromos mezőnek kitéve csökken a térfogata növekedés helyett vagy fordítva.[6]

A PVDF-gyanta 375 °C-ig stabilnak bizonyult.[7]

Kémiai szenzitivitás


A PVDF más fluorpolimerekhez hasonlóan az erős bázisokkal, a kausztikumokkal, az észterekkel és a ketonokkal szemben érzékeny.[8]



PVDF may be synthesized from the gaseous vinylidene fluoride (VDF) monomer by a free-radical (or controlled-radical) polymerization process. This may be followed by processes such as melt casting, or processing from a solution (e.g. solution casting, spin coating, and film casting). Langmuir–Blodgett films have also been made. In the case of solution-based processing, typical solvents used include dimethylformamide and the more volatile butanone. In aqueous emulsion polymerization, the fluorosurfactant perfluorononanoic acid is used in anion form as a processing aid by solubilizing monomers.[9] Compared to other fluoropolymers, it has an easier melt process because of its relatively low melting point of around 177 °C.

Processed materials are typically in the non-piezoelectric alpha phase. The material must either be stretched or annealed to obtain the piezoelectric beta phase. The exception to this is for PVDF thin films (thickness in the order of micrometres). Residual stresses between thin films and the substrates on which they are processed are great enough to cause the beta phase to form.

In order to obtain a piezoelectric response, the material must first be poled in a large electric field. Poling of the material typically requires an external field of above 30 megavolts per metre (MV/m). Thick films (typically >100 µm) must be heated during the poling process in order to achieve a large piezoelectric response. Thick films are usually heated to 70–100 °C during the poling process.

A quantitative defluorination process was described by mechanochemistry,[10] for safe eco-friendly PVDF waste processing.


Ultratiszta vizet szállító PVDF cső

PVDF is a thermoplastic that expresses versatility for applications similar to other thermoplastics, particularly fluoropolymers. PVDF resin is heated and handled for use in extrusion and injection molding to produce PVDF pipes, sheets, coatings, films, and molded PVDF products, such as bulk containers. Common industry applications for PVDF thermoplastics include:[8]

  • chemical processing,
  • electricity, batteries and electronic components,
  • construction and architecture,
  • healthcare and pharmaceutics,
  • biomedical research,
  • ultra-pure applications,
  • nuclear waste handling,
  • petrochemical, oil and gas,
  • food, beverage processing,
  • water, wastewater management.

Az elektronikában


PVDF is commonly used as insulation on electrical wires, because of its combination of flexibility, low weight, low thermal conductivity, high chemical corrosion resistance, and heat resistance. Most of the narrow 30-gauge wire used in wire wrap circuit assembly and printed circuit board rework is PVDF-insulated. In this use the wire is generally referred to as "Kynar wire", from the trade name.

The piezoelectric properties of PVDF are exploited in the manufacture of tactile sensor arrays, inexpensive strain gauges, and lightweight audio transducers. Piezoelectric panels made of PVDF are used on the Venetia Burney Student Dust Counter, a scientific instrument of the New Horizons space probe that measures dust density in the outer Solar System.[11]

PVDF is the standard binder material used in the production of composite electrodes for lithium-ion batteries.[12] Solution of PVDF 1−2% by mass in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) is mixed with an active lithium storage material such as graphite, silicon, tin, LiCoO2, LiMn2O4, or LiFePO4 and a conductive additive such as carbon black or carbon nanofibers. This slurry is cast onto a metallic current collector, and the NMP is evaporated to form a composite or paste electrode. PVDF is used because it is chemically inert over the potential range used and does not react with the electrolyte or lithium.

In biomedical science


In the biomedical sciences, PVDF is used in immunoblotting as an artificial membrane (usually with 0.22 or 0.45-micrometre pore sizes), on which proteins are transferred using electricity (see western blotting). PVDF is resistant to solvents and, therefore, these membranes can be easily stripped and reused to look at other proteins. PVDF membranes may be used in other biomedical applications as part of a membrane filtration device, often in the form of a syringe filter or wheel filter. The various properties of this material, such as heat resistance, resistance to chemical corrosion, and low protein binding properties, make this material valuable in the biomedical sciences for preparation of medications as a sterilizing filter, and as a filter to prepare samples for analytical techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), where small amounts of particulate matter can damage sensitive and expensive equipment.

PVDF transducers have the advantage of being dynamically more suitable for modal testing than semiconductor piezoresistive transducers and more compliant for structural integration than piezoceramic transducers. For those reasons, the use of PVDF active sensors is a keystone for the development of future structural-health monitoring methods, due to their low cost and compliance.[13]

In high-temperature processes


PVDF is used as piping, sheet, and internal coatings in high-temperature, hot acid, radiation environment applications due to PVDF's resistance characteristics and upper temperature thresholds. As piping, PVDF is rated up to 248 °F (120 °C). Examples of PVDF uses include nuclear reactor waste handling, chemical synthesis and production, (sulfuric acid, common), air plenums, and boiler service pipe.

Other uses


PVDF is used for specialty monofilament fishing lines, sold as fluorocarbon replacements for nylon monofilament. The surface is harder, so it is more resistant to abrasion and sharp fish teeth. Its optical density is lower than nylon, which makes the line less discernible to sharp fish eyes. It is also denser than nylon, making it sink faster towards fish.[14]

Other forms




The copolymer Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) or PVDF-HFP is used as a co-polymer in the blades of artificial turf.[15]

Copolymers of PVDF are also used in piezoelectric and electrostrictive applications. One of the most commonly used copolymers is P(VDF-trifluoroethylene), usually available in ratios of about 50:50 and 65:35 by mass (equivalent to about 56:44 and 70:30 molar fractions). Another one is P(VDF-tetrafluoroethylene). They improve the piezoelectric response by improving the crystallinity of the material.

While the copolymers' unit structures are less polar than that of pure PVDF, the copolymers typically have a much higher crystallinity. This results in a larger piezoelectric response: d33 values for P(VDF-TFE) have been recorded to be as high as −38 p C/N[16] compared to −33 pC/N in pure PVDF.[17]



A PVDF-terpolimerek are the most promising one in terms of electromechanically induced strain. The most commonly used PVDF-based terpolymers are P(VDF-TrFE-CTFE) and P(VDF-TrFE-CFE).[18][19] This relaxor-based ferroelectric terpolymer is produced by random incorporation of the bulky third monomer (chlorotrifluoroethylene, CTFE) into the polymer chain of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer (which is ferroelectric in nature). This random incorporation of CTFE in P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer disrupts the long-range ordering of the ferroelectric polar phase, resulting in the formation of nano-polar domains. When an electric field is applied, the disordered nano-polar domains change their conformation to all-trans conformation, which leads to large electrostrictive strain and a high room-temperature dielectric constant of ~50.[20]

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  4. Kawai, Heiji (1969). „The Piezoelectricity of Poly (vinylidene Fluoride)”. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 8 (7), 975–976. o. DOI:10.1143/JJAP.8.975. 
  5. Lolla, Dinesh (2015. december 17.). „Polyvinylidene fluoride molecules in nanofibers, imaged at atomic scale by aberration corrected electron microscopy”. Nanoscale 8 (1), 120–128. o. DOI:10.1039/c5nr01619c. ISSN 2040-3372. PMID 26369731. 
  6. Lolla, Dinesh (2016. augusztus 9.). „Fabrication, Polarization of Electrospun Polyvinylidene Fluoride Electret Fibers and Effect on Capturing Nanoscale Solid Aerosols”. Materials 9 (8), 671. o. DOI:10.3390/ma9080671. PMID 28773798. PMC 5510728. 
  7. Physical and Mechanical Properties. Arkema, Inc. Innovative Chemistry
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  9. Prevedouros K. (2006. január 1.). „Sources, fate and transport of perfluorocarboxylates”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40 (1), 32–44. o. DOI:10.1021/es0512475. PMID 16433330. 
  10. (2001) „Mechanochemical solid-phase reaction between polyvinylidene fluoride and sodium hydroxide”. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 81 (9), 2249. o. DOI:10.1002/app.1663. 
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  12. (2016. július 1.) „Processes and technologies for the recycling and recovery of spent lithium-ion batteries”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 60, 195–205. o. DOI:10.1016/j.rser.2015.12.363. ISSN 1364-0321. 
  13. (2013) „Survivability of integrated PVDF film sensors to accelerated ageing conditions in aeronautical/aerospace structures”. Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (6), 065020. o. DOI:10.1088/0964-1726/22/6/065020. 
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  16. (1997) „Temperature dependence of elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectric properties of "single crystalline" films of vinylidene fluoride trifluoroethylene copolymer”. Journal of Applied Physics 81 (6), 2760. o. DOI:10.1063/1.364300. 
  17. (1986) „The measurement of the shear piezoelectric coefficients of polyvinylidene fluoride”. Ferroelectrics 67 (1), 137–141. o. DOI:10.1080/00150198608245016. 
  18. (2001. április 16.) „Ferroelectric and electromechanical properties of poly(vinylidene-fluoride–trifluoroethylene–chlorotrifluoroethylene) terpolymer”. Applied Physics Letters 78 (16), 2360–2362. o, Kiadó: AIP Publishing LLC, American Institute of Physics. DOI:10.1063/1.1358847. 
  19. (2007. április 3.) „Phase Transitions and Ferroelectric Relaxor Behavior in P(VDF−TrFE−CFE) Terpolymers”. Macromolecules 40 (7), 2371–2379. o, Kiadó: ACS Publications. DOI:10.1021/ma062800l. 
  20. Electric field responsive origami structures using electrostriction-based active materials, Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2015. Society of Photographic Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 943206. o.. DOI: 10.1117/12.2084785 (2015. május 14.). ISBN 978-1-62841-535-3 



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