"""Handle biographies (main namespace articles about people) in huwiki."""
# (C) Bináris, 2023
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
from typing import Union
import pywikibot
from .article import Article
from .category import CatProperties
site = pywikibot.Site()
class Biography(Article):
"""A page about a person in main namespace.
May be instantiated with either Page, Article or title.
def __init__(self,
title: Union[pywikibot.Page, Article, str],
force_check: bool = True
) -> None:
:param force_check: if True, will raise a TypeError unless
is_person() = True. This check is slow. If you decide to skip
it by explicitely setting the argument to False, it is your
responsibility to instantiate only biographies.
:raises TypeError: see above
if isinstance(title, (pywikibot.Page, Article)):
title = title.title()
super(Biography, self).__init__(title)
if force_check and not self.is_person():
raise TypeError(f'Page must be biography of a person: {title}.')
# ---------------------------------------------
# Functions dealing with categories of the page
# ---------------------------------------------
def has__cityzencat(self) -> bool:
"""Does it have a "city" category like 'Budapestiek'?
Currently not safe. May produce false negatives. Slow.
for cat in self.categories():
if CatProperties(cat).is_cityzencat():
return True
return False