Vita:William Heinesen
Legutóbb hozzászólt Antissimo 17 évvel ezelőtt
[Az előbbi mondat átdolgozandó! Feröeri -- pontosabban: föroyari (ahogy ők maguk használják nyelvnevüket, és a Világirodalmi Lexikonban is így szerepel) írásbeliség általánosságban már a 18. század eleje óta létezett. Heinesen két okból írt többnyire dánul(de nem kizárólag, mert verset, tárcát, újságcikket sokat írt föroyariul is) 1. egyik nagyanyja dán volt (nagyanyanyelv!), 2. föroyariul írt szövegeit senki nemigen tudta volna reprezentatív szinten más nyelvekre fordítani.
- A cikkben is hivatkozott forrás a következőt írja:
- „Any consideration of the work of William Heinesen has to face the question of whether he is to be classed as a Danish or Faroese writer. There is no denying that he wrote exclusively in Danish, and the only work he published in Faroese, a play in the style of Ibsen, was translated by Rikard Long from Heinesen’s original Danish. Nor is there any denying that Heinesen’s poetry is in the tradition of Danish poetry, on the borderline between late Romantic and Modern and at times clearly influenced by Johannes V. Jensen. His prose is more difficult to define as it is essentially different from any other body of work in Scandinavia, but ultimately it, too, has its roots in mainland Scandinavian literature rather than any Faroese tradition. Yet, despite all this, his settings and characters are almost without exception Faroese, as are his sympathies in the small number of articles he wrote in Danish newspapers. The Faroese themselves were at one time upset that he chose to write in what they consider a foreign language, but Heinesen’s own comment to this was that it was possible for him to be linguistically creative and inventive in Danish in a way which Faroese would not allow. There was as yet hardly any written literature in Faroese, and it was quite natural that Heinesen should turn to the tradition of Danish literature - and refashion it in a Faroese mould. And in doing this, he quickly revealed himself as one of the great stylistic and linguistic innovators of the 20th century.” [1]
- Ez egy dán forrás, tehát lehet elfogult, de addig nem akarom átírni a szöveget, amíg megbízható forrással nem támasztod alá. Ne ijedj meg, szívesen veszem, ha segítesz javítani a szócikket! :) --Antissimo 2007. október 15., 16:11 (CEST)