Ez egy lezárult megbeszéléseket / befejezett projekt anyagát / aktualitását vesztett felvetést / megvalósult tervezet korábbi stádiumát stb. tartalmazó archív közösségi lap. Ne változtass rajta. Ha fel akarsz éleszteni egy itt szereplő megbeszélést, vitát, az aktuális lapon, illetve annak hiányában a Kocsmafalon tedd! |
Duplikáció megszüntetése - (Holnap lesz fácán c. film)
Kedves Valaki!
Elkövettem azt a hibát, hogy nem néztem meg, van-e már wikidata adatlapja a Holnap lesz fácán című filmnek, és most vettem csak észre, hogy az olasz wikipédisták már készítettek neki egyet. Tudná valaki törölni az én általam készített [1] adatlapot? Köszi: ZorróAszter vita 2020. július 29., 09:29 (CEST)
Vagy jó megoldás az, hogy felteszek még egy már szintén rég megírt magyar film cikket, és annak adatlapjára átírom? ZorróAszter vita 2020. július 29., 09:33 (CEST)
Bencemac megoldotta :). Ilyenkor mindig az összevonás a megoldás. A törléssel az a baj, hogy nem marad átirányítás, az elemek újrahasznosítása meg szigorúan tilos. – Máté (vitalap) 2020. július 29., 11:11 (CEST)
Köszi szépen. ZorróAszter vita 2020. július 29., 11:18 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #427

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Wiki13
- Events
- Upcoming: Search Platform Office Hours—August 5th, 2020. This event will be an occasion to talk about the Query Service.
- Upcoming: Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #15, August 8 Facebook, YouTube
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #24, August 9
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata track at the 2020 LD4 Conference on Linked Data in Libraries:
- (30 July) Wikidata Tutorial: Intro to the Basics (by User:Gamaliel)
- (30 July) Advanced Wikidata Tools and Concepts: More Than Just P's and Q's (by User:Mahir256)
- (30 July) Developing a Wikidata Project (by User:Will (Wiki Ed))
- (31 July) VanderBot: Using a Python script to create and update researcher items in Wikidata (by User:Baskaufs)
- (31 July) No bricks without clay: outcomes from the Stanford Wikidata Working Group (by User:Arcadialib)
- (31 July) LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Wikidata Working Hour: Adding References to Wikidata (by User:Chicagohil)
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #14 Facebook YouTube
- Video: Lexemes in Wikidata - structured lexicographical data for everyone (by Lydia Pintscher), YouTube
- Video: Wikidata presentation (in Turkish), YouTube
- Why You Should Do NLP Beyond English - Nice article giving some context about why it matters to have Lexemes in Wikidata in many different languages
- Wikidata track at the 2020 LD4 Conference on Linked Data in Libraries:
- Tool of the week
- SQID allows you to analyse, browse and query Wikidata. SQID is inspired by Magnus Manske's Reasonator, but focuses on prominently featuring information about Wikidata classes and properties.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: height of center of mass, road number formatter, Vietnamese middle name, heraldic attitude, traffic sign template image
- External identifiers: Tree of Public Interest ID, Denkmaldatenbank Thurgau ID, DSSTOX compound identifier, South Africa EMIS code, Archive Site Trinity College Cambridge ID, WISAARD resource ID, Gateway to Research organisation ID, SÚKL code, Science Fiction Awards Database author ID, Power plant operating licence (Turkey)
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: certified as, number of stages, convergence rate, step count, Alternative form, view, version type for works, advertisement copy
- External identifiers: LibraryThing series identifier, Swiss Industrial Heritage ID, TOPCMB ID, Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus ID, college basketball school ID, SAT-matrikulo, Signal number, BHF author ID, BHF magazine ID, SPLC Group ID, SPLC Individual ID, Open Civic Data Division Identifiers, RKD thesaurus ID, TCLF ID, Presence compositrices ID of composer, Presence compositrices ID of work
- Query examples:
- Properties and the number of constraint definition statements on them - there are quite a few with 0 constraint definitions
- a graph of MPs and parties in the Swedish Parliament and with whom they worked together with to create motions 2018 SPOILER: >95% is just with people in the same party
- Wealthiest queer people on Wikidata (Source)
- Bubble chart showing the winners of the FA Cup (Source)
- Map of parks in Oslo missing images on Wikidata (Source)
- Commons queries:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- The last week was our quarterly prototyping week. We worked on the following projects. None of them are ready for prime-time yet but we'll continue with them.
- Slices: We've had a lot of requests for accessing dumps of a smaller part of Wikidata's data since rarely anyone needs the complete data in Wikidata. The tricky part is figuring out which part is needed and if any of that can be generalized. We looked into for example how to make dump generation faster so we could potentially produce more smaller dumps that only cover a part of Wikidata's data, either thematically (e.g. humans) or by type of data (e.g. only statements and English labels and aliases but not sitelinks or descriptions).
- REST API: As part of our effort to make it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers we looked into a REST API. We tried to see if we could cover the existing action API modules in a REST API. We could. We'll take this as input for our ongoing API work now.
- Improving quality ratings through ORES: ORES can judge the quality of an Item automatically. It is currently not very good at it however. We tried a few things to make it more accurate and found some easy wins we'll probably make happen in the next weeks.
- Query manipulator: One of the ways we could potentially improve the load situation of the Wikidata Query Service is by automatically analyzing and then redirecting a bunch of queries to other systems that are more suitable for that particular type of query. The nice thing about that would be that the person/program sending the query wouldn't have to care about it but it'd be done automagically for them. We tried to build such a system and the results look very promising but more work/experimenting is needed, especially together with the WMF Search team.
- The last week was our quarterly prototyping week. We worked on the following projects. None of them are ready for prime-time yet but we'll continue with them.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Országgyűlési képviselők (követek stb.) jelzése a Wikidatán
Sziasztok, a Wikidata magyarországi parlamenti képviselő (Q17590876) elemének használatáról szeretném, ha kialakítanánk egy megállapodást. Nem ez a legfontosabb Wikidata-téma, de elég sok képviselőnkről van adatlap (~2000), ahol jelölni, majd ez alapján keresni lehet őket, nem lenne rossz, ha egységes lenne a képviselőtípus és időszakok jelzése.
Ezt a magyar országgyűlési képviselő néven futó jelzést használjuk a képviselőink beosztás rubrikájában. Ha lekattintjátok, látható, hogy a mai címerünk van benne - vagyis feltehetően a rendszerváltás utáni képviselőkhöz szánta a létrehozója -, de nincs benne dátumkorlátozás, és ahhoz a kategóriához kapcsolódik, amelyik lényegében a 19. század elejéig gyűjti a képviselőket (követeket): Kategória:Országgyűlési képviselők. Ugyanakkor magát a jelzést a 18. század elejéig használjuk a Wikidatában (a legrégebbi képviselő, akinél ez szerepel, az 1707-es ónodi országgyűlésen résztvevő Rakovszky Menyhért (Q1245685)). Ugyanezt a fenti elemet használták néhány helyen erdélyi (1920 előtti) országgyűlési képviselő beosztásában, sőt, néhány alkalommal még magyar nemzetiségű, a román parlament alsóházában képviselő esetén is. Ez így szerintem nincs rendben, rendezni kell mire használjuk a fenti elemet.
Az évek során két "képviselőtípus" vált le erről, és kapott önálló jelzést:
- az 1926–1944 közötti felsőház tagjaira a magyar felsőház tagja (Q62733773) (a magyar felsőház képviselője),
- az 1919-es tanácskormány képviselőire a Tanácsok Országos Gyűlésének tagja (Q97614057) (a Tanácsok Országos Gyűlésének tagja)
elem használatos.
Nincs külön jelölése pl. a középkori (rákosmezei) országgyűlések képviselőire, a diétai követekre, a reformkori országgyűlésekre, de nincs az 1944–1945-ös Ideiglenes Nemzetgyűlés tagjaira sem.
Valami olyan kompromisszumot szeretnék kialakítani, aminek a hatására lehetőleg minél nagyobb időszakot felölelő jelzést használnánk a jövőben, de figyelembevesszük a képviseleti rendszer különbözőségeit (pl. a megválasztás/küldötté válás szabályai). Az én javaslatom az, hogy használjuk ezt a magyarországi parlamenti képviselő (Q17590876) elemet a kiegyezés környékén kialakult népképviseleti rendszer bevezetésétől, vagyis az 1865-68-as országgyűlési időszaktól a mai napig, mert ebben az időtartamban beszélhetünk parlamenti ciklusokról, választásokról, egyáltalán a szó mai értelmében vett országgyűlési képviselőkről.
Az 1865 előtti országgyűlések résztvevőit követnek hívjuk, és általában van elem, sőt szócikk is magukról az ogy.-ekről (Kategória:Történelmi országgyűlések). Nem kardinális kérdés, de az ezeken az eseményeken küldöttként résztvevőknek akár országgyűlésenként is lehet Wikidata eleme (pl.:Az 1708-as sárospataki országgyűlés követe).
Javaslom még önálló elemmel jelölni:
- az 1920 előtti Főrendiház tagjai (felsőházi képviselők nem választás útján kerültek a parlamentbe)
- az Ideiglenes Nemzetgyűlés tagjai (nem voltak választások, sőt, össze sem ült ez a testület)
- az Erdélyi országgyűlés tagjai (rendi gyűlések sorozata volt 1865-ig)
Minden más esetben, tehát 1865-től napjainkig valamennyi országgyűlési ciklus képviselőinek beosztásánál használjuk a magyarországi parlamenti képviselő (Q17590876) elemet. Mit szóltok? Palotabarát vita 2020. augusztus 5., 11:37 (CEST)
A katonák besorolását lehetne követni: 18.-19.-20 századi képviselők? Akela vita 2020. augusztus 6., 21:34 (CEST)
- Akela köszi az ötletelést, de kicsit összetettebb az ügy. Van egy általános megnevezése a beosztásnak, ez a magyarországi parlamenti képviselő (Q17590876), csak kicsit túlhasználtuk (szerintem). Van viszont egy csomó minősítő, amit hozzá lehet tenni: meg lehet adni a parlamenti ciklust, amikor ő képviselő volt (pl.: 1985–1990-es parlamenti ciklus (Q63762600)), meg lehet adni a választókörzetét (pl.: Zala megyei 4. sz. országgyűlési egyéni választókerület (Q50842177)), a parlamenti frakciót, a megválasztás időpontját, parlamenti képvsielősége kezdő- és záródátumát. Amit te javasolsz, azt leginkább a törvényhozási ciklus helyett lehetne használni, de az szerintem jól van úgy, nem javasolnám lecserélni.
- Az 1865 előtti országgyűlési követek esetén akár lehetne is használni az általad javasolt évszázad jelzését (de értelemszerűen 20. századi nem lenne benne). A magyarországi országgyűlések listája cikkben láthatók maguk az ogy.-k, de annyira specifikus ez az országgyűlés téma, hogy én egyelőre a gyűlésenkénti jelzést preferálom. A Országgyűlési követek kategória egyébként mutatja a résztvevőket, ezt (ti. a kategóriát) lehetséges, hogy érdemes lenne az általad javasolt módon felbontani. Palotabarát vita 2020. augusztus 7., 11:24 (CEST)
- Vagy nagy történelmi korszakok szerint? pl. OGY követek 1848 előtt, 1848-67 (vagy 65) között, 1867-1918, Tanácsköztársaság 1919, 1920-1944, 1945-1949, 1949-1990, 1990 után? Akela vita 2020. augusztus 7., 13:17 (CEST)
DeltaBot új fiút szül a 13. századi hadfinak
Semmi nyoma annak, hogy I. Ibelin János bejrúti úrnak lett volna egy hatodik fia, Raoul nevű, ezért eltávolítottam a Wikidatából, de DeltaBot visszatette. Csak úgy védhetem ki ezt, ha manuálisan írom be a gyermekeit, mint az enwiki? – Pagony foxhole 2020. augusztus 6., 18:13 (CEST)
- Gondolom, a szimmetria okán teszi be, mivel Raoulnál az szerepel, hogy János az apja. Talán ha mind a két helyről kivennéd, akkor a bot békén hagyná. Hkoala
2020. augusztus 6., 18:50 (CEST)
- Az a baj, hogy szanaszét ágazik az egész, be van írva az anyjához, mind az öt testvéréhez stb. Az egészet meg nem akarom feldúlni, pedig nagyon úgy néz ki, hogy botcsinálta netes genealógiákról írta be egyszer valaki, aztán úgy maradt. Pagony foxhole 2020. augusztus 6., 19:14 (CEST)
- Akkor tényleg csak az marad, hogy itt kézzel írod be
2020. augusztus 6., 19:18 (CEST)
- Megtettem. Pagony foxhole 2020. augusztus 6., 19:21 (CEST)
- Ha forrásolt az adat, de téves, akkor elavulttá kell tenni. Úgy sem fog megjelenni az infoboxban, és nem kell botokkal hadakozni. Így nem kell kézzel beírni, és a többi Wikipédiát is segítjük. – Máté (vitalap) 2020. augusztus 7., 13:53 (CEST)
- Megtettem. Pagony foxhole 2020. augusztus 6., 19:21 (CEST)
- Akkor tényleg csak az marad, hogy itt kézzel írod be
- Az a baj, hogy szanaszét ágazik az egész, be van írva az anyjához, mind az öt testvéréhez stb. Az egészet meg nem akarom feldúlni, pedig nagyon úgy néz ki, hogy botcsinálta netes genealógiákról írta be egyszer valaki, aztán úgy maradt. Pagony foxhole 2020. augusztus 6., 19:14 (CEST)
Quote kiszedése infoboxból
Sziasztok! van valami megoldás arra, hogy a d:Q9061 adatlapon az occupation alatt a "quote" ne jelenjen meg a {{személy infobox}}
(?)ban? Baromi csúnyán mutat, pláne, hogy idegen nyelvű a quote, nem is értem, miért tesznek ilyesmit a wikidatába. Karl Marx szócikkéről van szó. Köszönet. Xia Üzenő 2020. augusztus 8., 17:15 (CEST)
- A foglalkozásnál nem jön át, az alma mater (P69) minősítőit megkurtítottam. Így gondoltad? Bencemac A Holtak Szószólója 2020. augusztus 8., 17:38 (CEST)
- Köszi szépen! Xia Üzenő 2020. augusztus 8., 18:51 (CEST)
Adatlapok összevonása
Összevontam a Tracy Mosby és Tracy McConnell, illetve a Demjén Antal és Demién Antal, valamint az Oldalfelező merőleges és Szakaszfelező merőleges cikkeket. Megköszönném, ha valaki a WD-adatlapjukat is összevonja. – Vépi vita 2020. augusztus 10., 10:06 (CEST)
- Kész. – Máté (vitalap) 2020. augusztus 10., 11:55 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #428

- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Hazard-SJ, Gnoeee, Wagino 20100516
- Closed request for adminship: Wiki13 (successful)
- Events
- Past: Wikibase Live Session - August 2020. This session had a few people present on some of their work with modeling GLAM data in Wikibase or Wikidata. (replay)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Daniel Mietchen and Lane Rasberry about Scholia, a project to present bibliographic information and scholarly profiles of authors and institutions, 11 August. [Agenda]
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #25, August 16
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - QuickStatements and Distributed Wikidata games Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Collaboration, contribution and use of Wikidata and Wikipedia by academic libraries (in Greek). YouTube
- Librarians work to broaden Vanderbilt’s research reputation with Wikidata tools. "To speed up the creation of metadata about faculty and their publications, Steven Baskauf, data science and data curation specialist for libraries, developed “VanderBot,” a set of scripts that can read and write to Wikidata, greatly improving the efficiency by which Vanderbilt’s faculty are discoverable through Wikidata".
- Tool of the week
- OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher links Wikidata entries to places in OpenStreetMap.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- wikidata2df, a Python package for easily turning a Wikidata SPARQL query into a pandas dataframe
- With Wikidata Concept Tree Generator, you can enter any concept and instantly see a visualization of its extended relations. (Source)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: size comparison diagram, view
- External identifiers: newspaper ID, ChemSynthesis ID, Dizionario Biografico dei Protestanti in Italia ID, Maitron des fusillés ID, Fototeka person ID, LibraryThing series ID, TOPCMB ID, Swiss Industrial Heritage ID, Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: image of entrance, extinction date, notation writer, raga, tala, SMARTS, Editio princeps, recording location
- External identifiers: Sochy a města ID osoby, Sochy a města ID sochy, podvignaroda, Have I Been Pwned breach ID, European Investment Bank project ID, WordNet 3.1 Synset Id, cadastral municipality ID, NPR station ID, NYARC Discovery ID, Nasjonalt skoleregister-ID, ERIC Thesaurus ID, American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus ID, Trismegistos Texts ID
- Query examples:
- Commons queries:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- finalized designs for the query builder to start coding at the beginning of September
- wrapping up the initial work on the design system so that we can start using the first pieces of it in the query builder development
- working on properly linking redirects in recent changes, watchlist and co (phabricator:T255387)
- addressed remaining security review comments about the Wikidata Bridge so that we can deploy it finally on the first Wikipedia
- fixed a bug where string values had the wrong length limit (phabricator:T259440)
- finishing the work of untangling Wikibase Client and Wikibase Repository extensions to make development easier
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #429

- Discussions
- Closed requests for adminship: Hazard-SJ, Gnoeee, Wagino 20100516 (all successful)
- New request for comments: How (un)important is preserving the historic character of an item?
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #26, August 23
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Editing Wikidata with information from Son jarocho (in Spanish). YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Entity Explosion: a new multilingual Chrome browser extension. "Taking the power of Wikidata with me wherever I go across the web!". Uses API calls to the Wikidata Query Service to match the URL you are browsing on to a Wikidata item, and then displays data and links to other sites about the same entity. (Video)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Bridge v1 will be deployed on Catalan Wikipedia on August 18th
- New description and screenshots for the Simple Query Builder project, feedback welcome
- Help:Dataset sizing
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: alternative form
- External identifiers: Henrik Ibsen writings ID, RKD thesaurus ID, TCLF ID, Sculptures and cities database ID for sculptures, Manioc book ID, Presence compositrices ID of composer, Offizielle Deutsche Charts song ID, ToS;DR service numerical identifier, Have I Been Pwned breach ID, Unsplash User ID, EIB project ID, ANZSRC 2020 FoR ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: latest start date, earliest end date, Number of votes after transferring, map URL, type of archaeological site, record number, front and back matter
- External identifiers: college football school ID, Panteono de, LSG local body code, MobyGames attribute ID, Dictionary of Occupational Titles ID, Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938, Anais do Museu Paulista article ID, Dictionary of Occupational Titles Code (fourth edition, revised), Proballers player ID, Linked Open Data Cloud identifier, Chrome Webstore extension ID, CTHS publication ID, LBS Physical ID, GBIF occurence ID
- Query examples:
- Largest collections of Picasso content (Source). The National Gallery of Art holds the most with 303 objects
- Bubble chart of snooker world champions (Source)
- Map of streets in Tillydrone named after WW2 military leaders (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed a bug where a length limit for strings seems to have reverted itself back from 1500 to its default 400 (phabricator:T259440)
- Fixed a bug that Wikibase is not always adding &redirect=no in situations when MediaWiki usually does (phabricator:T255387)
- Wrapping up the initial work on the design system so it is ready for use in the first new feature (Query Builder)
- Fixed the serialization of statements on Forms and Senses not containing the datatype (phabricator:T249206)
- Wrapping up work on the first version of Federated Properties so that other Wikibase installations can use Wikidata's Properties instead of having to maintain their own
- Worked on ensuring the data from the linked data interface at Special:EntityData is always up to date after an edit has been made (phabricator:T128486)
- Enabling clients to use Lua to request labels, descriptions and aliases in some (often minority) languages even when they are not content languages (phabricator:T259340, phabricator:T260118)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Spanyol vasútvonalak
A spanyol vasútvonalak wikidata-adatlapjain hatalmas a kavarodás, én már belekavarodtam, hogy minek hová is kellene mutatnia. Megnézné valaki, hogy minek hová kellene valójában tartoznia a Q28096832 és a Q11049488 lapok esetében? A gondot ahogy látom a Reus Caspe átirányítás okozza, melynek szintén van wd adatlapja. – B.Zsolt vita 2020. augusztus 24., 01:06 (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #430

- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata distributed birthday in October. You can organize an (online) event with your local group or favorite WikiProject! See also: calendar in progress, information for organizers, 24-hours online meetup
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: We will talk about gadgets and user scripts. 25 August. Agenda
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #27, August 30
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #17 Facebook, YouTube
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata (via ArXiv)
- Wikidata-focused presentations at the Workshop "Data Science in Climate and Climate Impact Research" taking place on 20-21 August 2020 in Zurich and online.
- Sarasua, Cristina, & Mietchen, Daniel. (2020, August). Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata - The Community Perspective. Zenodo.
- Mietchen, Daniel, & Sarasua, Cristina. (2020, August). Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata - The Data Perspective. Zenodo. (also on YouTube)
- Video: How to add missing descriptions to Wikidata using QuickStatments tool (in Arabic) - YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #16 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Introduction to Wikidata (in Malayalam) - YouTube
- Video: Wikidata editing basics (in Chinese) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Sophox allows for SPARQL querying of Wikidata and OpenStreetMap in a single query
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Two new grant programs from WikiCite, in support of open citations and linked bibliographic data.
- Full documentation, eligibility requirements, selection criteria, program design principles, and contacts at the links. Apply by 1 October.
- Project & events [$2-10k]
- e-Scholarships [per-diem calculated on your city; 1-5 people (single, or as a 'remote group') for 2-4 days, for COVID-era "stay at home" projects. Paid in advance living allowance, no expense report required.]
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: SMARTS notation, tala, raga, recording location, law or regulation identifying number, earliest end date, latest start date, extinction date
- External identifiers: Filmstarts title ID, Trismegistos text ID, SPLC Individual ID, ERIC Thesaurus ID, American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus ID, BHF magazine ID, Macedonian cadastral municipality ID, Monumentbrowser ID, Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938 ID, Nasjonalt skoleregister ID, BHF author ID, Proballers ID, Opera Online work ID, Opera Online composer ID, Opera Online opera house ID, CTHS publication ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Namesakes, Engineer's Line Reference, bibliography, external auditor, ITF-identificatiecode voor speler 2020, rotated image, mirrored image, combined from, overlaid from, number of deaths in senior care homes, number of cases intensive care, negotiated by, is solution to, Commons category for the exterior of the item, Number of taxpayers, medium
- External identifiers: Abbreviations related to ancient authors and works and to academic works regarding classical antiquity, YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe ID, Emporis company ID, college basketball box score ID, squad ID, Operator licence number, Jewish Virtual Library person ID, Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century ID, JSTOR publisher ID, Istrapedia ID, ID, Microsoft MVP profile ID, Art Bonus ID, The Living New Deal ID, TracesOfWar person ID, Hrvatski biografski leksikon ID, UG Digital Collections, ID, Fancyclopedia 3 ID, Hrvatska tehnička enciklopedija ID, ID
- Query examples:
- British MPs with sons- or daughters-in-law who were also MPs (source)
- MPs with the largest number of children or childen-in-law who became MPs (source)
- Descendants of Robert Emett (born 1729), with counts of sitelinks and external IDs for them and their spouses (source)
- Programming languages written by women (Source)
- Bar chart showing the number of research output (articles, etc) annotated with a SARSCoV2 proteins as 'main subject' (Source)
- Female soccer players who have a (known) social media account (Source)
- Largest cities in France by population (Source)
- Commons queries:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Gazetteer
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Deployed the first version of the Wikidata Bridge to Catalan Wikipedia
- Creating Grafana Dashboards for the new Wikidata Bridge so we have some data to help us determine which datatypes to support next for example (phabricator:T260532)
- Finished working on ensuring Labels of Items in some unusual, often minority, languages are still available on Wikipedia and other clients (phabricator: T259340)
- Fixed error messages for API modules that will not work with the first version of Federated Properties (phabricator:T258558)
- Working on improving how ORES judges the quality of an Item to make it more accurate
- Started coding on Automated Configuration Discovery to make it easier for tool builders to make their tools work for other Wikibase instances as well
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #431

- Events
- Past: Editing contest - Members of the 3rd Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana. By Global Open Initiative - YouTube (1), (2)
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 1 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: WMF search platform team office hour, September 2nd at 17:00 CEST (15:00 GMT). Etherpad, Google Meet. You can come and chat about the Wikidata & Commons Query Service.
- Upcoming: Wikidata birthday events organizers call, September 2nd at 19:00 CEST.
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #28, September 6
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #18 Facebook, YouTube, September 5 at 19.00 UTC
- Upcoming: Onam label-a-thon (September 1st and 2nd): Online label-a-thon to improve Wikidata items related to Kerala and Malayalam on this Onam holidays.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: How to use the Wikidata Query Service, by Dr Chris Langley
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #17 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Creating a Wikidata item (in Spanish) - YouTube
- WikiCite and bibliographic data on Wikidata, how to contribute and how to view it with Scholia (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Wikipedia's not so little sister is finding its own way - article by Lydia Pintscher in the Wikipedia Signpost
- Tool of the week
- Wikidata for Firefox is a browser extension that displays Wikidata items while browsing the web, adds missing IDs and extracts information from websites to Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Entity Explosion, the browser add-on for Chrome is now also available for Firefox. When the user visits a web page, it displays data from Wikidata, about the subject of that page.
- WMF will be performing data center maintenance operations by switching all traffic to the secondary data centre on Tuesday, September 1st 2020. You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for up to an hour from 14:00 UTC
- The Wikidata community now has a channel on the newly-established Wikimedia Chat service.
- reconciler, a Python wrapper for Open Refine's API to reconcile pandas data frames with Wikidata items.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Butcher tableau, front and back matter, external auditor
- External identifiers: Panteono ID, Chrome Webstore extension ID, PARADISEC Catalog, NPR station ID, JSTOR publisher ID, Emporis company ID, Art Bonus ID, British Museum object ID, ID, The Living New Deal ID, Jewish Virtual Library person ID, YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe ID, Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: parent superproperty, publisher of, performed at, Barcelona Public art identifier, opening hours (v.3), Fanbase name, aerial view, ground clearance, axle track, placeholder text element ID, displacement, Deutsche Bahn station abbreviation, entry in abbreviations table, Liturgical rank
- External identifiers: NHK Archives Portal person ID, EPA Ecoregion Level 1 Code, EPA Ecoregion Level 2 Code, EPA Ecoregion Level 3 Code, EPA Ecoregion US Level 3 Code, EPA Ecoregion US Level 4 Code, Encyclopaedia of Architects, Vienna 1770–1945, Firefox add-on ID, London Stock Exchange company, Fatcat ID, NDL law ID, e-Gov law ID, OFAC sanction ID, British and Irish Furniture Makers Online ID, Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings ID, Occupational Outlook Handbook ID, Regesta Ecclesiastica Salisburgensia ID, Wisconsin Historical Society NRHP ID, YUAG ID, Grove Music Online ID, Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe person ID, McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia ID, Dostoyevsky and His Entourage ID
- Query examples:
- Map of cities and towns in the San Jose–San Francisco–Oakland combined statistical area - OSM/Wikidata query
- Map of structures that have won architectural awards - OSM/Wikidata query
- Birth places of Buffalo Sabres players (Source)
- Timeline of all of Bird’s tunes (Source)
- Approximate proportion of people called "John" in any given UK Parliament since 1372 (Source)
- People born in Czechia who died in Germany and vice versa, by decade of birth (Source)
- Location of decommissioned aircraft - OSM/Wikidata query (Source)
- Railway network in Czechia (Source)
- People born in Czechia who died in Germany and vice versa, by decade (of birth) (Source)
- List of locations of Woolf's books (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on Automated Configuration Discovery to make it easier for tool builders to make their tools work for other Wikibase instances as well
- Polishing remaining pieces of the first version of Federated Properties to make it possible to use Wikidata's Properties in other Wikibase instances
- Continuing to work on improving the way ORES automatically scores the quality of an Item to make it more accurate
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #432

- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Rob Fernandez (Wikimedia District of Columbia) on Listeria, a tool that uses SPARQL queries to define a list, and provides a bot that will update a wiki page containing that list if the results of that SPARQL query change, all based on Wikidata, 08 September. Agenda
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 8 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #19 Facebook, YouTube, September 10
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #29, September 13
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Semantic Wikibase has been released by Professional.Wiki (Demo video)
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #18, workflows for SPARQL queries and QuickStatements Facebook, YouTube
- OpenRefine 3.4 was released
- How can I get data on all the dams in the world? Use Wikidata. By Addshore
- Wikidata Training Workshop 2, by Canadian Arts Presenting Association - YouTube
- Video: How to use QuickStatements - a tool to bulk upload data onto Wikidata. By Dr Sara Thomas
- Tool of the week
is a dashboard that measures Wikidata's usage and coverage on Wikimedia Foundation projects.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Entity Explosion, the browser add-on for Chrome is now also available for Firefox. When the user visits a web page, it displays data from Wikidata, about the subject of that page.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: LSG local body code, NYARC Discovery ID, Encyclopaedia of Architects, Vienna 1770–1945 ID, Hrvatska tehnička enciklopedija ID, ICP artist ID, TracesOfWar person ID, Firefox add-on ID, NHK Archives Portal person ID, Hrvatski biografski leksikon ID, InciWeb ID, YUAG ID, Wikipedia Library partner ID, FIPRESCI person ID, Anais do Museu Paulista article ID, Legacies of British Slave-ownership place ID, Wisconsin Historical Society NRHP ID, Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: applies to form or aspect, blocked on the territory of, Liturgical category, Flickr image URL, turning radius, number of reboots, financials URL, SI base units, rank insignia2
- External identifiers: Syro-Malabar Church Parish ID, Database of Umgebinde houses in Bohemian Switzerland ID, Re-Member ID, DIL ID, Naver Vibe Artist ID, American Battlefield Trust battlefield ID, American Battlefield Trust person ID, L'Officiel des spectacles ID, VA facility ID, Hikr Waypoint ID, tvmaze ID, Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia ID, Danish educational institution number, Past Fellow of the Royal Society ID, photoLondon ID, song ID, Historic Montana ID, KHRI ID, Seattle Art Museum ID, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art artwork ID
- Query examples:
- Map of companies developing/manufacturing a COVID-19 vaccine candidate that is at least in a phase 1 clinical trial
- A table of the 100 highest fees charged for using various kinds of facilities, normalized to United States dollars - OSM/Wikidata query
- Youngest age of UK MPs leaving office since 1900 (Source)
- Longest time UK MPs lived after leaving office since 1900 (Source)
- British cabinet members with past military service (Source)
- Earliest written record of 10 largest Czech cities (Source)
- Churches dedicated to Czech patron St. Wenceslas (blue) and Moravian patrons St. Cyril and Methodeus (orange) (Source)
- German municipality names ending with -in, -ing, -heim (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Added Wikidata support to Japanese Wikivoyage. phab:T261451
- Investigating the nature of our training outliers to improve the way ORES automatically scores the quality of an Item.
- Working on error that sometimes causes Wikidata UI to report 2 error messages when saving a sitelink in an item. phab:T260869
- Completed various investigations to make an informed decision on the output format of WikibaseManifest files (automated configuration detection for toolbuilders) phab:T261285
- Completed various bug fixes and wrap-up tasks to conclude the major engineering work on the Federated Properties project
- More work on Item Quality Scoring and Federated Properties
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #433

- Discussions
- New request for comments: Alternate disclosure policy
- Events
- Past: The Workshop On Open Citations And Open Scholarly Metadata 2020 took place in Bologna and online on September 9 and included a talk State of WikiCite in 2020, available on Zenodo via doi:10.5281/zenodo.4019954.
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 15 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Wikidata birthday organizers call, September 16th at 13:00 UTC/GMT
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #20: Facebook, YouTube, September 19
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #30, September 20
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Youtuber Tom Scott tries to answer the question What Is The Best Thing?, using Wikidata to curate a collection of "things", and an online poll for people to vote on those things.
- "Our admiration for Wikidata and for the people who work with it knows no bounds. Having a single source of well modelled, massively interlinked, well managed data that anyone can query at the press of a button is a real thing of wonder." - says the UK Parliament data team
- Houcemeddine Turki, et al. (2020). Using logical constraints to validate information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of COVID-19 on Wikidata (Zenodo Preprint).
- Video: Wikidata basics short videos by Wikimedian in Residence at University of Edinburgh (YouTube)
- Video: Creating a Mix'n'Match set for Queensland Biota on Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #19: Cradle and colours in queries. Facebook, YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Mbabel is a tool that simplifies article creation by providing pre-made sentences based on Wikidata statements.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The consultation phase for the Wikimedia movement Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) is in progress until 6 October 2020. The UCoC drafting committee wants to learn which parts of the draft would present challenges for you or your work. What is missing from this draft? What do you like, and what could be improved?
- All the lists of languages used on Wikidata: feel free to improve this draft documentation page.
- The Wikidata development team is seeking to evaluate and improve the process of collecting and reacting to bug reports and feature requests. You can give feedback about your experience using this anonymous form until September 30th or add feedback publically to Wikidata talk:Contact the development team/Process review 2020.
- WikiMap, a tool by User:DB111 that maps geocoded images from Commons and Wikipedia articles, now supports Wikidata items as well (Q99232292)
- Wikidata QID's are approaching 9 digits. Now is the time to fix any code or schemas that assume that Q numbers are smaller than 9 characters.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: aerial view, ride height, category for the exterior of the item, axle track
- External identifiers: Anais do Museu Paulista article ID, Legacies of British Slave-ownership place ID, Wisconsin Historical Society NRHP ID, Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe ID, Jewish Encyclopedia ID, Grove Music Online ID, Hikr waypoint ID, DIL ID, Seattle Art Museum ID, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art artwork ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: expansion of, Oakeshott typology, Slack URL, TDD number, Hill size, K point, number of negative votes, number of support votes
- External identifiers: Historic Montana ID, KHRI ID, KinoWiki ID, BD Gest' series ID, Portugal. Dicionário Histórico ID, Discord username, China Treaty Database ID, Discord channel, Bollywood Hungama movie, NMC Heritage ID, identifiant d'un artiste département des arts graphiques du musée du Louvre, SPoT skater ID, Canadian Women Artists History Initiative ID, Lambiek Special pages, Lambiek comic magazines, Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank ID, Delft municipal monument ID
- Query examples:
- Shortest path of descent from Charlemagne to George Washington, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Elizabeth II
- List of most recent common ancestors (ordered by number of total degrees separated) between George Washington and George W. Bush (9th cousin 8 times removed), George Washington and Barack Obama (12th cousin 9 times removed), George Washington and Elizabeth II (2th consin 7 times removed), George W. Bush and Barack Obama (11th cousin), George W. Bush and Elizabeth II (14th cousin once removed), Barack Obama and Elizabeth II (19th cousin 3 times removed)
- Artists that have recorded songs in several languages, by number of different languages used (Source)
- Average age of companies listed on major indices (Source)
- Basque Country sister cities with world municipalities (Source)
- Map of companies developing/manufacturing a COVID-19 vaccine candidate that is at least in a phase 1 clinical trial (Source)
- Map of mountains in Austria showing their heights; from red for the lowest through green to black for the highest (Source)
- Top World Heritage sites by number of paintings depicting them (Source)
- Map of sports pitches for team sports that require between 10 and 20 players on the field - Wikidata/OSM query
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixing an error that sometimes causes Wikidata UI to report 2 error messages when saving a sitelink in an Item instead of just one. (phabricator:T260869)
- Development of version one of Federated Properties has concluded! Expect an announcement with timing of the release of this feature soon. Wikibase users who want an early look at the feature are invited to reach out to participate in the pre-release testing round.
- Development of the WikibaseManifest extension has continued into its second sprint; we focused on determining a product specification for the Manifest output.
- Finishing a draft documentation for a REST API to get it ready for a feedback round before implementation.
- Finished improvements to the automated scoring of the quality of Items with ORES. Still need to retrain ORES and deploy the changes before the scores are actually different though.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!