Szerkesztő:Xia/Kultúra munkapad/Tajvan történelme
Tajvan szigetét először negritó majd ausztronéz törzsek lakták.[1] A 17. században egy rövid életű spanyol letelepedést követően holland gyarmat lett, melyet nagy számú han kínai és hakka bevándorlás követett a kontinentális Kína területéről.
1662-ben Kuo-hszing-je, egy Mingekhez hű hadvezér legyőzte a hollandokat és támaszpontot hozott létre a szigeten. 1683-ban hadseregét legyőzte a Csing-dinasztia serege. A csingek egészen 1895-ig uralták Tajvant, amíg az első kínai–japán háborút követően az japán kézre nem került. A japán uralom alatt Tajvan rizset és cukrot termelt a Japán Birodalom számára, a második világháború során pedig a japán katonai hadműveletek egyik támaszpontja lett. A japán hadseregbe tajvani katonákat is besoroztak.
1945-ben, japán kapitulációjával a Kínai Köztársaság vette át a hatalmat a sziget fölött, majd a Kuomintang 1949-ben a kínai polgárháborúban elszenvedett vereségét követően ide menekítette kormányát. A Kuomintang mintegy negyven évig egypártrendszerben irányította a szigetet és a környező kisebb szigeteket, 1996-ban kerülhetett sor az első szabad választásokra.
szerkesztésA Tajvanon végzett ásatások szerint a sziget már 30[2] -50 ezer[3] évvel ezelőtt is lakott volt. Az ausztronéz tajvani őslakosok (jüancsumin (原住民, , pe̍h-oē-jī: gôan-chū-bîn)) körülbelül 6-8000 évvel ezelőtt vándoroltak Tajvanra.[4] A tajvani őslakosok genetikailag a Fülöp-szigeteki, maláj és indonéz népcsoportokhoz állnak közel,[5] nyelvük az ausztronéz nyelvcsaládhoz tartozik, a nyelvészek szerint a sziget nyelvcsalád hazája, innen terjedt el Ázsiában.[4] 2010-ben a Tajvanon élő ausztronéz őslakosok száma körülbelül 512 197 fő volt, a teljes lakosság 2%-a.[6] A Kínai Köztársaság 2010-ig bezárólag 14 törzset ismert el őslakosként, ezek az Amis, az Atayal, Paiwan, Bunun, Puyuma, Rukai, Tsou, Saisiyat, Tao (Yami), Thao, Kavalan, Truku, Sakizaya és Sediq törzsek.[7] Néhány kisebb törzset a tajvani kormány nem ismer el különálló törzsként.[8] A később érkező betelpülő han kínaiakkal való asszimiláció következtében a tajvani őslakosok nyelve és kulturális identitása eltűnőben van. A 26 ismert őslakos nyelvből tíz már kihalt, további öt a kihalás szélén áll,[9] a többi pedig veszélyeztetett. A kormány a 2000-es évek elején nyelvmegőrző programokat indított, például rádió- és televízióműsorokat illetve kéttannyelvű iskolákat hoztak létre.[10]
A Saisiyat törzs hagyományai között él egy fesztivál, melyet a kis fekete emberek rituáléjának hívnak. Ez arra utal, hogy Tajvanon valószínűleg negritó népcsoportok is éltek.[11]
Early history
szerkesztésDespite Taiwan being rumored as the fabled "Island of Dogs," "Island of Women," or any of the other fabled island thought, by Han literati, to lie beyond the seas, Taiwan was officially regarded by Qing Emperor Kangxi as "a ball of mud beyond the pale of civilization" and did not appear on any map of the imperial domain until 1683.[12] The act of presenting a map to the emperor was equal to presenting the lands of the empire. It took several more years before the Qing court would recognize Taiwan as part of the Qing realm. Prior to the Qing Dynasty, China was conceived as a land bound by mountains, rivers and seas. The idea of an island as a part of China was unfathomable to the Han prior to the Qing frontier expansion effort of the 17th Century.[13]
Spanyol és holland gyarmat
szerkesztés1544-ben egy portugál hajó haladt el a sziget mellett, ők voltak az első európaiak, akik feljegyezték a létezését, és az Ilha Formosa, „szép sziget” nevet adták neki. 1582-ben portugál hajótöröttek tíz hetet töltöttek a szigeten maláriával küszködve, mielőtt visszatértek volna Makaóra.[14]
1623-ban holland kereskedők érkeztek a szigetre, akik ázsiai kereskedőbázist akartak itt létrehozni, mintegy összekötő központként Japán és a kínai partok között. 1626-ban a spanyolok ismegérkeztek, Keelung mellett építettek erődöt Fort San Salvador néven, melyet 1642-ig tudtak tartani, akkor a hollandok a helyi őslakosok segítségével elűzték őket.[15] 1628-ban a spanyolok Tamszuj ( ) mellett is építettek egy erődöt, de 1638-ra el is hagyták. A hollandok a helyén építették fel Fort Anthoniót 1642-ben, mely ma is áll, a Fort San Domingo múzeumegyüttes részeként.
1662-ig a Holland Kelet-indiai Társaság (VOC) felügyelte a szigetet és lakosságát, adó- és iskolarendszert vezettek be, latin betűs írásra oktatták a bensszülötteket és keresztény hitre térítették egy részüket.[16] Bár a hollanduk csupán a sziget nyugati részét foglalták el, a későbbi hódítók is átvették a holland rendszereket.[17] Ebben az időben jelentek meg az első kínai bevándorlók, akik Fucsienből ( ) érkeztek és vagy vadászengedélyt akartak szerezni a hollandoktól, vagy pedig a Csing hatóságok elől menekültek. A szigetet Kínában akkoriban a pokol kapuja néven emlegették, mert híres volt arról, hogy sok tengerész és felfedező vesztette itt életét.[18]
A hollandok eredetileg a Fort Zeelandia erődöt akarták kereskedelmi bázisként használni Japán és Kína között, de hamarosan felfedezték a nyugati partokon őshonos szikaszarvas-populációkban rejlő lehetőséget.[19] A szarvasok iránt nagy volt a kereslet Japánban és Kínában egyaránt. A hollandok az őslakosokkal vadásztatták a szarvasokat, olyan mennyiségben, hogy hamarosan szinte teljesen kiírtották a populációt, veszélyeztetve ezzel az őslakosok egyik élelemforrását is. A hollandok emellett han kínai földműveseket is foglalkoztattak, akik cukornádat és rizset termeltek exportra. 1633-ban a hollandok egy újabb erődöt építettek a szigeten és nekiláttak Tajvan valódi gyarmatosításához.[4]
A gyarmatosítás első lépéseként az ellenálló őslakos falvakat lrohanták, felgyújtották, volt olyan település, amelynek lakosait teljesen kiírtották. Más települések férfi lakóit rabszolgamunkára kényszerítették, a nőket és gyerekeket cselédmunkára sorolták be. Olyan tervek is léteztek, amelyek a Tajvan körüli kisebb szigetek teljes népességét deportálták volna.[20][21]
Dongning Királyság
szerkesztésMiután a mandzsuk legyűrték a Ming-dinasztiát, a Mingekhez hű Kuo-hszing-je 1661-ben flottájával a szigetre érkezett és kilenc hónapnyi ostrom után 1662-ben sikerült kiűznie a hollandokat Fort Zeelandiából. Kuo-hszing-je Ming-hű főhadiszállást akart létrehozni Tajvanon,[22] ahonnan támadva vissza akarta foglalni korábbi bázisát, Hsziament ( ).[23] Kuo-hszing-je nem sokkal később maláriában (egyes szóbeszédek szerint gutaütésben) meghalt,[24] az általa létrehozott Dongning vagy Tungning Királyság elnevezésű államot fia, majd unokája irányította 1683-ig, amikor a Csing-dinasztia Tajvan egész szigetével együtt Fucsienhez ( ) csatolta.
Qing Dynasty rule
szerkesztésIn 1683, following a naval engagement with Admiral Shi Lang, one of Koxinga's father's trusted friends, Koxinga's grandson Zheng Keshuang submitted to Qing Dynasty control.
Despite the expense of the military and diplomatic campaign that brought Taiwan into the imperial realm, the general sentiment in Beijing was ambivalent. The point of the campaign had been to destroy the Zheng-family regime, not to conquer the island.[forrás?] Qing Emperor Kangxi expressed the sentiment that Taiwan was "the size of a pellet; taking it is no gain; not taking it is no loss" (彈丸之地。得之無所加,不得無所損). His ministers counseled that the island was "a ball of mud beyond the sea, adding nothing to the breadth of China" (海外泥丸,不足為中國加廣), and advocated removing all the Chinese to mainland China and abandoning the island. It was only the campaigning of admiral Shi Lang and other supporters that convinced the Emperor not to abandon Taiwan. {{Verify credibility}}
[25] Koxinga's followers were forced to depart from Taiwan to the more unpleasant parts of Qing controlled land[forrás?]. By 1682 there were only 7000 Chinese left on Taiwan as they had intermarried with aboriginal women and had property in Taiwan. The Koxinga reign had continued the tax systems of the Dutch, established schools and religious temples.
From 1683, the Qing Dynasty ruled Taiwan as a prefecture and in 1875 divided the island into two prefectures, north and south. In 1885, the island was made into a separate Chinese province.
The Qing authorities tried to limit immigration to Taiwan and barred families from traveling to Taiwan to ensure the immigrants would return to their families and ancestral graves. Illegal immigration continued, but many of the men had few prospects in war weary Fujian and thus married locally, resulting in the idiom "Tangshan (Chinese) grandfather no Tangshan grandmother" (有唐山公無唐山媽). The Qing tried to protect aboriginal land claims, but also sought to turn them into tax paying subjects. Chinese and tax paying aborigines were barred from entering the wilderness which covered most of the island for the fear of raising the ire of the non taxpaying, highland aborigines and inciting rebellion. A border was constructed along the western plain, built using pits and mounds of earth, called "earth cows", to discourage illegal land reclamation.
From 1683 to around 1760, the Qing government limited immigration to Taiwan. Such restriction was relaxed following the 1760s and by 1811 there were more than two million Chinese immigrants on Taiwan. In 1875 the Taipei government (台北府) was established, under the jurisdiction of Fujian province. Also, there had been various conflicts between Chinese immigrants. Most conflicts were between Han from Fujian and Han from Guangdong, between people from different areas of Fujian, between Han and Hakka settlers, or simply between people of different surnames engaged in clan feuds. Because of the strong provincial loyalties held by these immigrants, the Qing government felt Taiwan was somewhat difficult to govern. Taiwan was also plagued by foreign invasions. In 1840 Keelung was invaded by the British in the Opium War, and in 1884 the French invaded as part of the Sino-French War. Because of these incursions, the Qing government began constructing a series of coastal defenses and on 12 October 1885 Taiwan was made a province, with Liu Mingchuan serving as the first governor. He divided Taiwan into eleven counties and tried to improve relations with the aborigines. He also developed a railway from Taipei to Hsinchu, established a mine in Keelung, and built an arsenal to improve Taiwan's defensive capability against foreigners.
Following a shipwreck of a Ryūkyūan vessel on the southeastern tip of Taiwan in winter of 1871, in which the heads of 54 crew members were taken by the aboriginal Taiwanese Paiwan people in Mutan village (牡丹社), the Japanese sought to use this incident as a pretext to have the Qing formally acknowledge Japanese sovereignty over the Ryuku islands as a Japanese prefecture[forrás?] and to test reactions to potential expansion into Taiwan. According to records from Japanese documents, Mao Changxi (毛昶熙) and Dong Xun (董恂), the Qing ministers at Zongli Yamen (總理衙門) who handled the complaints from Japanese envoy Yanagihara Sakimitsu (柳原前光) replied first that they had heard only of a massacre of Ryūkyūans, not of Japanese, and quickly noted that Ryūkyū was under Chinese suzerainty, therefore this issue was not Japan's business. In addition, the governor-general of the Qing province Fujian had rescued the survivors of the massacre and returned them safely to Ryūkyū. The Qing authorities explained that there were two kinds of aborigines on Taiwan: those governed by the Qing, and those unnaturalized "raw barbarians... beyond the reach of Qing government and customs." They indirectly hinted that foreigners traveling in those areas settled by indigenous people must exercise caution. After the Yanagihara-Yamen interview, the Japanese took their explanation to mean that the Qing government had not opposed Japan's claims to sovereignty over the Ryūkyū Islands, disclaimed any jurisdiction over Aboriginal Taiwanese, and had indeed consented to Japan's expedition to Taiwan.[26] The Qing Dynasty made it clear to the Japanese that Taiwan was definitely within Qing jurisdiction, even though part of that island's aboriginal population was not yet under the influence of Chinese culture. The Qing also pointed to similar cases all over the world where an aboriginal population within a national boundary was not completely subjugated by the dominant culture of that country.
The Japanese nevertheless launched an expedition to Mutan village with a force of 2000 soldiers in 1874. The number of casualties for the Paiwan was about 30, and that for the Japanese was 543; 12 Japanese soldiers were killed in battle and 531 by disease. Eventually, the Japanese withdrew just before the Qing Dynasty sent 3 divisions of forces (9000 soldiers) to reinforce Taiwan. This incident caused the Qing to re-think the importance of Taiwan in their maritime defense strategy and greater importance was placed on gaining control over the wilderness regions.
On the eve of the Sino-Japanese War about 45 percent of the island was administered under direct Qing administration while the remaining was lightly populated by Aborigines.[27] In a population of around 2.5 million, about 2.3 million were Han Chinese and the remaining two hundred thousand were classified as members of various indigenous tribes.
As part of the settlement for losing the Sino-Japanese War, The Qing empire ceded the island of Taiwan and Penghu to Japan on 17 April 1895, according to the terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki. The loss of Taiwan would become a rallying point for the Chinese nationalist movement in the years that followed.[28]
Japanese rule
szerkesztésJapán 1592 óta katívan kereste a lehetőséget, hogy uralma alá vonja az általuk Takasago Koku néven ismert Tajvan szigetét. Tojotomi Hidejosi ekkor kezdte el a délre és nyugatra történő terjeszkedést.[29] A sziget elfoglalására tett kísérletek kudarcba fulladtak. 1609-ben a Tokugava sógunátus Arima Harunobut küldte Tajvanra, hogy térképezze fel a szigetet, 1616-ban pedig újra megkísérelték elfoglalni.
1871-ben egy okinavai hajó zátonyra futott a sziget déli csücskénél és 54 matrózt a helyi őslakosok megöltek. Az eset kapcsán Japán kompenzációt kért a Csingektől ( ), ám azt a választ kapták, hogy a kínaiak nem felelősek a birodalom szélén barbár népek által elkövetett cselekményekért. A japánok ezt úgy értelmezték, hogy a Csingek ( ) nem uralják a szigetet,[30] bevenniük azonban egészen 1895-ig nem sikerült. Az első kínai–japán háborút követően az 1895. április 17-én aláírt simonoszeki béke Tajvant és Penghut japán fennhatóság alá helyezte.
After receiving sovereignty of Taiwan, the Japanese feared military resistance from both Taiwanese and Aborigines who followed the establishment by the local elite of the short-lived Republic of Formosa. Taiwan's elite hoped that by declaring themselves a republic the world would not stand by and allow a sovereign state to be invaded by the Japanese, thereby allying with the Qing. The plan quickly turned to chaos as standard Green troops and ethnic Yue soldiers took to looting and pillage. Given the choice between chaos at the hands of Chinese or submission to the Japanese, the Taipei elite sent Koo Hsien-jung to Keelung to invite the advancing Japanese forces to proceed to Taipei and restore order.[31]
Armed resistance was sporadic, yet at times fierce, but was largely crushed by 1902, although relatively minor rebellions occurred in subsequent years, including the Ta-pa-ni incident of 1915 in Tainan county.[32] Nonviolent means of resistance began to take place of armed rebellions and the most prominent organization was the Taiwanese Cultural Association (台灣文化協會), founded in 1921. Taiwanese resistance was caused by several different factors (e.g., the Taishō Democracy). Some were goaded by Chinese nationalism, while others contained nascent Taiwanese self-determination.[33] Rebellions were often caused by a combination of the effects of unequal colonial policies on local elites and extant millenarian beliefs of the local Taiwanese and plains Aborigines. Aboriginal resistance to the heavy-handed Japanese policies of acculturation and pacification lasted up until the early 1930s.[34] The last major Aboriginal rebellion, the Musha Uprising (Wushe Uprising) in late 1930 by the Atayal people angry over their treatment while laboring in the burdensome job of camphor extraction, launched the last headhunting party in which over 150 Japanese officials were killed and beheaded during the opening ceremonies of a school. The uprising, led by Mona Rudao, was crushed by 2,000-3,000 Japanese troops and Aboriginal auxiliaries with the help of poison gas.[35]
Japanese colonization of the island fell under three stages. It began with an oppressive period of crackdown and paternalistic rule, then a dōka (同化) period of aims to treat all people (races) alike proclaimed by Taiwanese Nationalists who were inspired by the Self-Determination of Nations (民族自決) proposed by Woodrow Wilson after World War I, and finally, during World War II, a period of kōminka (皇民化), a policy which aimed to turn Taiwanese into loyal subjects of the Japanese emperor.
Reaction to Japanese rule among the Taiwanese populace differed. Some felt that the safety of personal life and property was of utmost importance and went along with the Japanese colonial authorities. The second group of Taiwanese were eager to become imperial subjects, believing that such action would lead to equal status with Japanese nationals. The third group was influenced Taiwan independence and tried to get rid of the Japanese colonials to establish a native Taiwanese rule. The fourth group on the other hand were influenced by Chinese nationalism and fought for the return of Taiwan to Chinese rule. From 1897 onwards the latter group staged many rebellions, the most famous one being led by Luo Fuxing (羅福星), who was arrested and executed along with two hundred of his comrades in 1913. Luo himself was a member of the Tongmenghui, an organization founded by Sun Yat-sen and was the precursor to the Kuomintang.[36]
Initial infrastructural development took place quickly. The Bank of Taiwan was established in 1899 to encourage Japanese private sectors, including Mitsubishi and the Mitsui Group, to invest in Taiwan. In 1900, the third Taiwan Governor-General passed a budget which initiated the building of Taiwan's railroad system from Kirun (Keelung) to Takao (Kaohsiung). By 1905 the island had electric power supplied by water power in Sun-Moon Lake, and in subsequent years Taiwan was considered the second-most developed region of East Asia (after Japan). By 1905, Taiwan was financially self-sufficient and had been weaned off of subsidies from Japan's central government.
Under the governor Shimpei Goto's rule, many major public works projects were completed. The Taiwan rail system connecting the south and the north and the modernizations of Kirun (Keelung) and Takao (Kaohsiung) ports were completed to facilitate transport and shipping of raw material and agricultural products.[37] Exports increased by fourfold. 55% of agricultural land was covered by dam-supported irrigation systems. Food production had increased fourfold and sugar cane production had increased 15-fold between 1895 to 1925 and Taiwan became a major foodbasket serving Japan's industrial economy. The health care system was widely established and infectious diseases were almost completely eradicated. The average lifespan for a Taiwanese resident would become 60 years by 1945.[38]
In October 1935, the Governor-General of Taiwan held an "Exposition to Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Beginning of Administration in Taiwan," which served as a showcase for the achievements of Taiwan's modernization process under Japanese rule. This attracted worldwide attention, including the Republic of China's KMT regime which sent the Japanese-educated Chen Yi to attend the affair. He expressed his admiration about the efficiency of Japanese government in developing Taiwan, and commented on how lucky the Taiwanese were to live under such effective administration. Somewhat ironically, Chen Yi would later become the ROC's first Chief Executive of Taiwan, who would be infamous for the corruption that occurred under his watch.
The later period of Japanese rule saw a local elite educated and organized. During the 1930s several home rule groups were created at a time when others around the world sought to end colonialism. In 1935, the Taiwanese elected their first group of local legislators. By March 1945, the Japanese legislative branch hastily modified election laws to allow Taiwanese representation in the Japanese Diet.
As Japan embarked on full-scale war in China in 1937, it expanded Taiwan's industrial capacity to manufacture war material. By 1939, industrial production had exceeded agricultural production in Taiwan. At the same time, the "kominka" imperialization project was put under way to instill the "Japanese Spirit" in Taiwanese residents, and ensure the Taiwanese would remain loyal subjects of the Japanese Emperor ready to make sacrifices during wartime. Measures including Japanese-language education, the option of adopting Japanese names, and the worship of Japanese religion were instituted. In 1943, 94% of the children received 6-year compulsory education. From 1937 to 1945, 126,750 Taiwanese joined and served in the military of the Japanese Empire, while a further 80,433 were conscripted between 1942 to 1945. Of the sum total, 30,304, or 15%, died in Japan's war in Asia.
The Imperial Japanese Navy operated heavily out of Taiwan. The "South Strike Group" was based out of the Taihoku Imperial University (now National Taiwan University) in Taiwan. Many of the Japanese forces participating in the Aerial Battle of Taiwan-Okinawa were based in Taiwan. Important Japanese military bases and industrial centers throughout Taiwan, like Takao (now Kaohsiung), were targets of heavy American bombing.
In 1942, after the United States entered in war against Japan and on the side of China, the Chinese government under the KMT renounced all treaties signed with Japan before that date and made Taiwan's return to China (as with Manchuria) one of the wartime objectives. In the Cairo Declaration of 1943, the Allied Powers declared the return of Taiwan to China as one of several Allied demands. In 1945, Japan unconditionally surrendered with signing of the instrument of surrender and ended its rule in Taiwan as the territory was put under the administrative control of the Republic of China government in 1945 by the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.[39] Per the provisions in Article 2 of San Francisco Peace Treaty, the Japanese formally renounced the territorial sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu islands, and the treaty was signed in 1951 and came into force in 1952. As of the moment when the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force, the political status of Taiwan and Penghu Islands were still uncertain.[39] The Republic of China and Japan signed Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty on April 28, 1952 in Taipei and the treaty came into force on August 5.[40] Writing in the American Journal of International Law, professors Jonathan I. Charney and J. R. V. Prescott argued that "none of the post-World War II peace treaties explicitly ceded sovereignty over the covered territories to any specific state or government."[41]
Republic of China rule
szerkesztésNationalist party period
szerkesztésUnder martial laws
szerkesztésThe Republic of China established Taiwan Provincial Government in September 1945[42] and proclaimed on October 25, 1945 as "Taiwan Retrocession Day." This is the day in which the Japanese troops surrendered. The validity of the proclamation is subject to some debate, with some supporters of Taiwan independence arguing that it is invalid, and that the date only marks the beginning of military occupation that persists to the present.[43][44] During the immediate postwar period, the Kuomintang (KMT) administration on Taiwan was repressive and extremely corrupt compared with the previous Japanese rule, leading to local discontent. Anti-mainlander violence flared on February 28, 1947, prompted by an incident in which a cigarette seller was injured and a passerby was indiscriminately shot dead by Nationalist authorities.[45] During the ensuing crackdown by the KMT administration in what became known as the 228 incident, tens of thousands of people were killed, and the incident became a taboo topic of discussion for the entire martial law era.
From the 1930s onward a civil war was underway in mainland China between Chiang Kai-shek's ROC government and the Communist Party of China led by Mao Zedong. When the civil war ended in 1949, 2 million refugees, predominantly from the Nationalist government, military, and business community, fled to Taiwan. On October 1, 1949 the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.) was founded in mainland China by the victorious communists; several months before, Chiang Kai-shek had established a provisional ROC capital in Taipei and moved his government there from Nanjing. Under Nationalist rule, the mainlanders dominated the government and civil services.[46]
Chiang Kai-shek died, in April 1975, and was succeeded to the presidency by Yen Chia-kan while his son Chiang Ching-kuo succeeded to the leadership of the Kuomintang (opting to take the title "Chairman" rather than the elder Chiang's title of "Director-General"). He set the stage that led to incredible economic successes of the territories starting in the mid 1980s. In 1987, Chiang ended martial law and allowed family visits to mainland China. His administration saw a gradual loosening of political controls and opponents of the Nationalists were no longer forbidden to hold meetings or publish papers. Opposition political parties, though still illegal, were allowed to form. When the Democratic Progressive Party was established in 1986, President Chiang decided against dissolving the group or persecuting its leaders, but its candidates officially ran in elections as independents in the Tangwai movement.
In an effort of bringing more Taiwan-born citizens into government services, Chiang Ching-kuo hand-picked Lee Teng-hui as vice-president of the Republic of China, first-in-the-line of succession to the presidency. However, it is unclear whether he was in favor of having Lee succeeding him as Chairman of the Nationalist Party.
Economic developments
szerkesztésIn the immediate aftermath of World War II, post-war economic conditions compounded with the then-ongoing Chinese Civil War caused severe inflation across mainland China and in Taiwan, made worse by disastrous currency reforms and corruption. This gave way to the reconstruction process and new reforms.
The KMT took control of Taiwan's monopolies that had been owned by the Japanese during colonial period. Approximately 91%{{Dubious}}
of Taiwan's GNP was nationalized.[forrás?] Also, Taiwanese investors lost their claim to the Japanese bond certificates they possessed. These real estate holdings as well as American aid such as the China Aid Act and the Chinese-American Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction helped to ensure that Taiwan would recover quickly from war. The Kuomintang government also moved the entire gold reserve from the Chinese mainland to Taiwan, and used this reserve to back the newly-issued New Taiwan Dollar to stabilize the new currency and put a stop to hyperinflation.
The KMT authorities implemented a far-reaching and highly successful land reform program on Taiwan during the 1950s. The 375 Rent Reduction Act alleviated tax burden on peasants and another act redistributed land among small farmers and compensated large landowners with commodities certificates and stock in state-owned industries. Although this left some large landowners impoverished, others turned their compensation into capital and started commercial and industrial enterprises. These entrepreneurs were to become Taiwan's first industrial capitalists. Together with businessmen who fled from mainland China, they once again revived Taiwan's prosperity previously ceased along with Japanese withdrawal and managed Taiwan's transition from an agricultural to a commercial, industrial economy.
From 1950 to 1965, Taiwan received a total of $1.5 billion in economic aid and $2.4 billion in military aid from the United States. In 1965 all American aid ceased when Taiwan had established a solid financial base.[47] Having accomplished that, the government then adopted policies for building a strong export-driven economy, with state projects such as the Ten Major Construction Projects that provided the infrastructure required for such ventures. Taiwan has developed steadily into a major international trading power with more than $218 billion in two-way trade and one of the highest foreign exchange reserves in the world. Tremendous prosperity on the island was accompanied by economic and social stability. Taiwan's phenomenal economic development earned it a spot as one of the Four Asian Tigers.
Democratic reforms
szerkesztésUntil the early 1970s, the Republic of China was recognized as the sole legitimate government of China by the United Nations and most Western nations, refusing to recognize the People's Republic of China on account of the Cold War. The KMT ruled Taiwan under martial law until the late 1980s, with the stated goal of being vigilant against Communist infiltration and preparing to retake mainland China. Therefore, political dissent was not tolerated.
The late 1970s and early 1980s were a turbulent time for Taiwanese as many of the people who had originally been oppressed and left behind by economic changes became members of the Taiwan's new middle class. Free enterprise had allowed native Taiwanese to gain a powerful bargaining chip in their demands for respect for their basic human rights. The Kaohsiung Incident would be a major turning point for democracy in Taiwan.
Taiwan also faced setbacks in the international sphere. In 1971, the ROC government walked out of the United Nations shortly before it recognized the PRC government in Beijing as the legitimate holder of China's seat in the United Nations. The ROC had been offered dual representation, but Chiang Kai-shek demanded to retain a seat on the UN Security Council, which was not acceptable to the PRC. Chiang expressed his decision in his famous "the sky is not big enough for two suns" speech. In October 1971, Resolution 2758 was passed by the UN General Assembly and "the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek" (and thus the ROC) were expelled from the UN and replaced as "China" by the PRC. In 1979, the United States switched recognition from Taipei to Beijing.
Chiang Kai-shek was succeeded by his son Chiang Ching-kuo. When the younger Chiang came to power he began to liberalize the system. In 1986, the Democratic Progressive Party was formed. This organization was formed illegally, and inaugurated as the first party in opposition to Taiwan. This was formed to counter the KMT. Martial law was lifted one year later by Chiang Ching-kuo. Chiang selected Lee Teng-hui, a Taiwanese born technocrat to be his Vice President. The move followed other reforms giving more power to Taiwanese born citizens and calmed anti-KMT sentiments during a period in which many other Asian autocracies were being shaken by People Power movements.
Chiang Ching-kuo died in 1988. Chiang's successor, President Lee Teng-hui, continued to hand more government authority over to Taiwanese born citizens. He also began to democratize the government. Taiwan underwent a process of localization, under Lee. In this localization process, local culture and history was promoted over a pan-China viewpoint. Lee's reforms included printing banknotes from the Central Bank instead of the usual Provincial Bank of Taiwan. He also largely suspended the operation of the Taiwan Provincial Government. In 1991 the Legislative Yuan and National Assembly elected in 1947 were forced to resign. These groups was originally created to represent mainland China constituencies. Also lifted were the restrictions on the use of Taiwanese languages in the broadcast media and in schools.
However, Lee failed to crack down on the massive corruption that developed under authoritarian KMT party rule. Many KMT loyalists feel Lee betrayed the ROC by taking reforms too far, while other Taiwanese feel he did not take reforms far enough.
Democratic period
szerkesztésLee ran as the incumbent in Taiwan's first direct presidential election in 1996 against DPP candidate and former dissident, Peng Min-ming. This election prompted the PRC to conduct a series of missile tests in the Taiwan Strait to intimidate the Taiwanese electorate so that electorates would vote for other pro-unification candidates, Chen Li-an and Lin Yang-kang. The aggressive tactic prompted U.S. President Clinton to invoke the Taiwan Relations Act and dispatch two aircraft carrier battle groups into the region off Taiwan's southern coast to monitor the situation, and PRC's missile tests were forced to end earlier than planned. This incident is known as the 1996 Taiwan Straits Crisis.
One of Lee's final acts as president was to declare on German radio that the ROC and the PRC have a special state to state relationship. Lee's statement was met with the PRC's People's Army conducting military drills in Fujian and a frightening island-wide blackout in Taiwan, causing many to fear an attack.
Peaceful change of political party in power
szerkesztésIn the 2000 presidential election marked the end to KMT rule. Opposition DPP candidate Chen Shui-bian won a three way race that saw the Pan-Blue vote split between independent James Soong and KMT candidate Lien Chan. President Chen garnered 39% of the vote.[48]
In 2004, President Chen was re-elected to a second four year term after an assassination attempt which occurred the day before the election. Two shots were fired, one bullet grazing the President's belly after penetrating the windshield of a jeep and multilayers of clothing, the other bullet penetrated the windshield and hitting the vice president's knee cast(She was wearing a knee cast due to an earlier injury). Police investigators have said that the most likely suspect is believed to have been Chen Yi-hsiung, who was later found dead.[49]
In 2007, President Chen proposed a policy of Four Wants and One Without, which in substances states that Taiwan wants independence; Taiwan wants the rectification of its name; Taiwan wants a new constitution; Taiwan wants development; and Taiwanese politics is without the question of left or right, but only the question of unification or independence. The reception of this proposed policy in Taiwanese general public was unclear. It, however, was met with a cold reception by both the PRC and the United States. The PRC Foreign Minister emphasised that the Anti-Secession Law was not a piece of unenforceable legislation, while the US Department of State spokesman Sean McCormack described Chen's policy as "unhelpful".[50]
The KMT retook the office of president when Ma Ying-jeou was elected in March 2008. The party also retained control of the legislature.
A spate of arrests of members of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has drawn allegations that the Beijing-friendly Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), which once ruled Taiwan under martial law, is back in the business of political repression.
The most controversial are the arrests on allegations of corruption of Chen Shui-bian, Taiwan's former president; Chiou I-jen, a former National Security Council secretary-general; and Yeh Sheng-mao, former director-general of the Ministry of Justice's Investigation Bureau.
"I am extremely concerned about the political situation in Taiwan, and I am personally very angry at the way the current government is handling national affairs and the way our beloved Taiwan is heading: back to the authoritarian past," said Joseph Wu, former de facto ambassador of Republic of China to the United States under the Chen administration.[51]
Potential futures
szerkesztésThough current politics are at an uneasy standstill, claims of legitimacy have been made by three different sides. The People's Republic of China stakes claim of the Taiwan Province and denounces the Taiwan independence movement, the Republic of China declares control and a return to mainland China while denouncing the independence movement, and the independence movement either denounces both governments' claims of control and proposes an independent Republic of Taiwan or proclaims that the Republic of China has become synonymous with Taiwan and that Taiwan as the Republic of China is a separate nation-state from China.
See also
szerkesztés- ↑ Jules Quartly. „In honor of the Little Black”, Taipei Times , 2004. november 27. (Hozzáférés: 2010. december 12.)
- ↑ The First Inhabitants of Taiwan. Tainan Country Government. (Hozzáférés: 2011. február 17.)
- ↑ Archaeological Theory; Taiwan Seen As Ancient Pacific Rim (angol nyelven). Taiwan Journal, 1990. november 19. [2011. február 17-i dátummal az [{{{url}}} eredetiből] archiválva].
- ↑ a b c Blust, Robert. "Subgrouping, circularity and extinction: some issues in Austronesian comparative linguistics," (1999)
- ↑ Hill et al., "A Mitochondrial Stratigraphy for Island Southeast Asia," (2007); Bird et al., "Populating PEP II: the dispersal of humans and agriculture through Austral-Asia and Oceania," (2004)
- ↑ Indigenious People (XLS). Ministry of the Interior, 2010 november. (Hozzáférés: 2010. december 31.)
- ↑ Tribes in Taiwan. Council of Indigenous Peoples, ROC. (Hozzáférés: 2011. január 3.)
- ↑ Taiwan –> Indigenous peoples. World Directory of Minorities
- ↑ Zeitoun, Elizabeth and Yu, "The Formosan Language Archive: Linguistic Analysis and Language Processing. (PDF)," (2005)
- ↑ Lynn F. Lee: Languages in Taiwan Today. Government Information Office, Republic of China. (Hozzáférés: 2009. május 7.)
- ↑ Jules Quartly. „In honor of the Little Black”, Taipei Times , 2004. november 27. (Hozzáférés: 2010. december 12.)
- ↑ Teng, Emma Jinhuang, Taiwan's Imagined Geography: Chinese Colonial Travel Writing and Pictures, (2004), pg.34-59
- ↑ Teng, (2004) pg.34-49,177-179
- ↑ Mateo, Jose Eugenio Borao. Spaniards in Taiwan Vol. II:1642-1682, (2001), pg.2-9
- ↑ Mateo, (2001) pg.329-333; Blusse, Leonard & Everts, Natalie. The Formosan Encounter: Notes on Formosa’s Aboriginal Society-A selection of Documents from Dutch Archival Sources Vol. I & Vol. II, (2000), pg.300-309
- ↑ Campbell, Rev. William. Sketches of Formosa, (1915); Blusse, Everts, (2000)
- ↑ Shepherd, John R. Statecraft and Political Economy on the Taiwan Frontier, 1600-1800, (1993), pg.1-29
- ↑ Keliher, Macabe. Out of China or Yu Yonghe's Tales of Formosa: A History of 17th Century Taiwan, (2003), pg.32
- ↑ Shepherd, John R.. Statecraft and Political Economy on the Taiwan Frontier, 1600-1800. Taipei: Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. (1993). ISBN ISBN 957-638-311-0
- ↑ Everts, Natalie. "Jacob Lamay van Taywan:An Indigenous Formosan Who Became and Amsterdam Citizen," (2000), pg.151-155
- ↑ The Formosan Encounter: Notes on Formosa’s Aboriginal Society-A selection of Documents from Dutch Archival Sources Vol. I-II. Taipei: Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines (2000). ISBN ISBN 957-99767-2-4
- ↑ Spence, Jonathan D. The Search for Modern China (Second Edition), (1999), pg.46-49
- ↑ Clements, Jonathan. Pirate King:Coxinga and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty, (2004), pg.188-201
- ↑ Spence, (1999), pg.51-57; Clements, (2003), pg.215
- ↑ Guo, Guo, Hongbin. "Keeping or abandoning Taiwan," (2003)
- ↑ Leung, Edwin Pak-Wah. "The Quasi-War in East Asia: Japan's Expedition to Taiwan and the Ryūkyū Controversy," (1983), pg.270
- ↑ Morris, Andrew. "The Taiwan Republic of 1895 and the Failure of the Qing Modernizing Project," (2002), pg.5-6
- ↑ Zhang, Yufa. Zhonghua Minguo shigao(中華民國史稿), (1998), pg.514
- ↑ Brief History of Taiwan. Proyectos Saluda/Government Information Office. (Hozzáférés: 2011. március 1.)
- ↑ Taiwanese natives break Mudan Incident silence. Japan Times, 2005. január 11. (Hozzáférés: 2011. március 1.)
- ↑ Morris, (2002), pg.4-18
- ↑ Katz, Paul. When The Valleys Turned Blood Red: The Ta-pa-ni Incident in Colonial Taiwan, (2005)
- ↑ Zhang, (1998), pg.514
- ↑ Katz, (2005)
- ↑ Ching, Leo T.S. Becoming "Japanese" Colonial Taiwan and The Politics of Identity Formation, (2001), pg137-140
- ↑ Zhang, (1998), pg.515
- ↑ Yosaburo, Takekoshi. Japanese Rule in Formosa, (1997).
- ↑ Kerr, George H., Formosa Betrayed, (1966).
- ↑ a b [1] UNHCR
- ↑ Henckaerts, Jean-Marie. The international status of Taiwan in the new world order: legal and political considerations. Kluwer Law International, 337. o. (1996). ISBN 90-41-10929-3 „p7. “In any case, there appears to be strong legal ground to support the view that since the entry into force of the 1952 ROC-Japan bilateral peace treaty, Taiwan has become the de jure territory of the ROC. This interpretation of the legal status of Taiwan is confirmed by several Japanese court decisions. For instance, in the case of Japan v. Lai Chin Jung, decided by the Tokyo High Court on December 24, 1956, it was stated that ‘Formosa and the Pescadores came to belong to the Republic of China, at any rate on August 5, 1952, when the [Peace] Treaty between Japan and the Republic of China came into force…’”
p8. “the principles of prescription and occupation that may justify the ROC's claim to Taiwan certainly are not applicable to the PRC because the application of these two principles to the Taiwan situation presupposes the validity of the two peace treaties by which Japan renounce its claim to Taiwan and thus makes the island terra nullius.”” - ↑ Resolving Cross-Strait Relations Between China and Taiwan. American Journal of International Law, July 2000. (Hozzáférés: 2011. január 30.)
- ↑ 「去日本化」「再中國化」:戰後台灣文化重建(1945-1947),Chapter 1. publisher: 麥田出版社, author: 黃英哲, December 19, 2007
- ↑ UK Parliament, May 4, 1955, <>. Hozzáférés ideje: 2010-02-27
- ↑ Resolving Cross-Strait Relations Between China and Taiwan, American Journal of International Law, July 2000, <>. Hozzáférés ideje: 2010-02-27
- ↑ Kerr, (1966), pg.254-255
- ↑ Gates, Hill, "Ethnicity and Social Class," (1981)
- ↑ Chan. "Taiwan as an Emerging Foreign Aid Donor: Developments, Problems, and Prospects," (1997)
- ↑ Asia Society, "Opposition Wins Taiwan Election," (2000)
- ↑ Reuters, "Taiwan election shooting suspect dead," (2005)
- ↑ US Says Taiwanese President's Independence Remarks 'Unhelpful'. Voice of America, 2007. március 5.
- ↑
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External links
szerkesztés- Taiwan's 400 years of history, from "Taiwan, Ilha Formosa" (a pro-independence organization)
- Reed Institute's Formosa Digital Library
- History of Taiwan from FAPA (a pro-independence organization)
- Taiwan History China Taiwan Information Center (PRC perspective)
- Museum Fort San Domingo Exhibition in Tamsui about the Dutch history of Taiwan
- Taiwan Memory-Digital Photo Museum Taiwan old photos digital museum plan (kínaiul)
- America and Taiwan, 1943-2004
- Formosa Betrayed by George H. Kerr